  • 學位論文


The Study of the Result of Air Pollution Improvement Policies in Kaohsiung - Based on Public Survey

指導教授 : 謝連德


高雄市為國內工業重鎮,轄內有石化、鋼鐵及電力等重工業集中,相對地空氣污染排放負荷也大,推動高雄地區空氣品質改善,一直以來都是環保單位努力的目標,實施策略亦從早期「行政管制」,陸續加入「經濟誘因」方式共同推動。尤其自民國84年7月開徵空污費以來,徵收方式係按實際排放量進行徵收,業者可以藉由減少污染物排放,達到經濟效益目的,進而使空氣品質獲得改善。 本研究旨在探討高雄市空氣污染改善措施成效及未來建議之需求差異情形,並藉由對民眾問卷調查蒐集資料,研究不同背景之民眾對高雄市空氣污染管制成效及未來建議之需求情形。本研究以高雄市20歲以上不同行業別之民眾做為受訪對象,以隨機抽樣進行調查,回收之有效問卷計 809 份。資料回收後,以獨立樣本 T 考驗、卡方檢定考驗、單因子變異數及交叉分析等統計方法進行分析。 研究結果顯示:有93.4%的民眾注意到大高雄地區空氣污染問題,並認為最常遇到之空氣污染情形為車輛(交通)黑煙或白煙。從不同類型區域探討污染情形發現,鄰近工業區之行政區民眾認為工廠排放煙黑煙狀況顯著高於市區,並認為空氣污染會造成呼吸系統疾病;市區之民眾認為應加強管制餐廳異味、柴油車、汽車、機車之排煙;鄉村型行政區民眾遇到露天燃燒稻(雜)草情形高於其他區域,上述結果皆能實際反映大高雄地區實際現況。進一步探討各項空氣品質改善措施推動成效,以管制露天燃燒改善顯示成效最佳,餐廳或攤販(夜市)排放油煙污染改善成效較差;在整體的大高雄空氣品質改善成效,以61歲以上民眾認為最有改善成效,從事服務業之民眾則對環保單位在空氣品質改善努力成果非常滿意。民眾對於未來建議,認為應加強管制柴油車、機車、汽車排煙為最多,並建議環保單位於各大網站宣導空氣品質改善措施。


Kaohsiung as an important city of heavy industry in Taiwan, which includes petrochemistry, steel and electricity generation, burdens with relatively high air pollution. As a result, improving the air quality in Kaohsiung has been the main concern and target of environmental protection authorities. The administrative control and regulations has been developed as action plans since the early time and economic incentives were incorporated later to the implementation. Particularly, since the air pollution fee has been imposed in July 1995, which the fee is imposed according to the actual emission amount, the local business could benefit economically by reducing its pollution emission and therefore the air quality has been improved. The objective of this study is to examine the demands of air pollution improvement policies and future suggestions by collecting questionnaires responded from the general public of diverse backgrounds. The respondents were random selection of citizens aged 20 and above of various occupations. The valid copies of questionnaires response were 809. After response, the data were analyzed by Independent-Samples t Test, Chi-square Test, One Way ANOVA, and Cross Analysis. The results of this study indicate that 93.4% of the public are aware of the air pollution problem in Kaohsiung and consider black or white smoke discharged from motors (traffic) the most common. In terms of the pollution in different types of districts, residents of the administrative districts nearby industrial parks consider that the polluted air emitted from factories is significantly higher than it in the city centre and the air pollution would result in respiratory diseases. Residents in the city centre suggest the odor from restaurants and the smoke from diesel, petrol cars and scooters deserve more control. Meanwhile, residents in countryside districts report more open burning of straws and weeds than other districts. The results above manifest the actual status in Kaohsiung. With regards to the effect of air quality improvement policies, the control of open burning shows the best effect whereas the improvement of airborne grease from restaurants and street food is the least. As for the overall air quality improvement in Kaohsiung, citizens aged 61 and above give the highest rate. And citizens of service industry are very satisfied with the efforts environmental protection authorities has made. For future suggestion, the majority of people think the control of emission from diesel cars, scooters and cars should be reinforced and the authorities should enhance publicizing air quality improvement policies in major websites.


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