  • 學位論文

所得多元化之主要因素及其對鄉村家庭所得之影響:以越南 Kon Tum 省為例

Income Diversification: Determinants and Its Impact on Rural Household Income in Kon Tum Province, Vietnam

指導教授 : 蔡青園 黃文琪


Kon Tum省位處於越南中部高原的中心,省內多山,是越南最窮的省分之一。研究顯示,對於貧困的農村家庭而言,所得多元化是不可或缺的生存策略。本研究的目的在於分析影響農村家庭所得多元化的因子有哪些以及其影響。首先,藉由對數模型的應用,探討其所得多元化的決定因素,並且研究農村家庭在從事非農業工作時,工作選擇的決定因素為何。接著,使用線性迴歸模型,查探所得多元化與影響農村家庭所得的因子是否具有關連性及影響性。 本研究透過多重抽樣方法,選出了兩百個家庭做為問卷調查的受訪樣本。研究結果顯示,對於農村家庭而言,農場活動仍然是其最主要的所得來源,佔全部所得的76%。在農業所得中,最主要的所得來源是農作物的生產收穫,而其最主要的作物為樹薯及咖啡。非農業活動的所得佔總所得的24%。然而,只有大約39%的家庭有來自非農業的收入;相反的,有96%的農村家庭從事農業活動。此外,若將家戶所得群分為四 個等距,可發現較不貧窮的農村家庭從事農業活動的比例低於最貧窮的家庭;而較富有家庭從事非農業活動的比例比其它族群高。 根據對數模型分析的結果得知,影響從事非農業工作的因素含性別 、年齡、戶長教育程度、家庭人數、就學的小孩人數、農場大小、是否擁有信用貸款、住家附近是否為柏油路等。再者,根據研究指出,在所有的收入來源中,所得多樣性對整體收入具有顯著正向的影響。此外,教育、戶長的種族、農場大小、與最近市場的距離,以及區域位置等對整體收入有很大的影響。 根據研究發現,就減貧與糧食安全方面而言,同時取得農業及非農業部門的支持是非常重要的一環。為鼓勵家庭參與非農業活動,獲得所得多元化的機會,需要透過提供培訓機會、信貸、教育、基礎設施以及增加就業機會,特別是針對窮人以及女性戶長,以解決他們面對的獨特問題。 關鍵字:所得來源多樣性、非農業工作、農村家庭、貧窮、Kon Tum省


Kon Tum, a mountainous province in the Central Highlands of Vietnam, is one of the poorest provinces in Vietnam. Studies identify that the diversification of incomes is a critical livelihood strategy for poor rural households. The objectives of the study are to analyze factors influencing income diversification among rural households and its impact on household income. First, a logit model was employed to investigate the determinants of income diversification decision of rural household into off-farm work. Then, linear regression model was used to examine the effect of diversification and factors affecting rural household income. Through 200 households selected by multi-stage sampling technique, this study showed that farm activities were the most important source of income for rural households in the region and made up 76% of total household income. Within this category, the most important source of income was crop production, while the most important crops were cassava and coffee. The remaining 24% of the total household income originated from off-farm activities. However, only around 39% of the households gained income from the latter activities. In contrast, 96% participated in agricultural activities. Furthermore, participation in farm activities was lower for less-poor households compared to the poorest households, whereas the rate of participation in off-farm activities was comparatively higher for the better-off households. The regression analysis showed that participation in off-farm employment was influenced by gender, age, education of household head, family size, number of children attending school, farm size, access to credit, access to tarred road. Moreover, the study indicated that level of income diversification had a significant positive impact on total income. Furthermore, education, ethnicity of household head, farm size, distance to nearest market and regional location had a strong influence on overall income. Based on the findings of this study, it is important to support both farm and off-farm sectors to be achieved in terms of poverty reduction and food security. Factors deterring households’ participation in lucrative off-farm activities need to be addressed through provision of training, credit, improving education, infrastructure and promotion of employment opportunities with emphasis of targeting the poor and women household heads. Keywords: income diversification, off-farm work, rural household, poverty, Kon Tum province


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