  • 學位論文


The application of GIS and ALOHA to analyze hazard of chlorine leakage

指導教授 : 余伍洲


本研究是針對高雄市大樹地區內某水廠之氯氣意外洩漏事故進行危害分析,模擬突發性氯氣洩漏時在大氣中擴散的動向,並應用地理資訊系統(GIS)及擴散模擬軟體(ALOHA)工具,模擬災害發生時的空間數據分析及圖像顯示等功能,並預知氯氣洩漏時之大氣擴散過程和地區高風險之影響範圍。 使用模擬分析時於合理化的數值套用,使其影響結果準確的顯示,在制定氯氣洩漏之應變之對策,提供一個有效的輔助工具,並進一步制定緊急應變計畫及地區相關人員疏散對策,有效的在此危險源之管理上,使決策者能有效的規劃緊急應變,將災害之風險及影響範圍降至最低,並透過模擬分析,預先設置相關防護設備及工具以因應災害發生的影響程度。 經本研究結果,ALOHA模擬氯氣洩漏擴散時,於風速越大之情況,將使危害距離降低,因此大氣條件中,在風速越大或越小是氯氣洩漏擴散之危害距離高、低之可能條件。


地理資訊系統GIS ALOHA 擴散 洩漏


This study is for the Kaohsiung city Dashu District to a water plant of chlorine leakage accident hazard analysis, simulation sudden leak of chlorine in the atmosphere, the spread trends, and application of geographic information systems (GIS) and dispersion modeling software (ALOHA) tools, space simulation data when disaster analysis and image display functions, and to predict the scope of the high risk of leakage of atmospheric chlorine diffusion processes and regions. Use simulation to apply in the rationalized number value mechanically while analyzing, make it influence accurate display of the result, making the countermeasure of emergency that chlorine is being leaked, offer an effective handling tool, and further make to urgent emergency planning and regional relevant personnel and evacuate the countermeasure, the effective one enables policymaker to meet an emergency promptly in effective planning on the management of the dangerous source here, minimize risk and coverage of the calamity, and pass simulation analysis, set up relevant safeguard and tool in order that because of the influence degree taking place in conformity with the calamity in advance. Through this result of study, when ALOHA simulation chlorine is leaked and spread, in the situation of the greater wind speed, make it reduce not to endanger distance, so in the atmospheric condition, in large light wind speed being chlorine leak danger that spread from high, low possible terms.


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Turner , D.B. , 1970, Workbook of Atmospheric Dispersion Estimates, Office of Air Programs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ,Research Triangle Park, NC, Report PB-191 pp. 482.
Google Earth ,2014, 版。


