  • 學位論文


Vegetation Ecology along Varus River to Nantawushan in Pingtung County

指導教授 : 王志強


本論文研究於中央山脈南段之瓦魯斯溪至南大武山區調查了木本植物社會85個250 m2樣區及草本植物社會30個4 m2樣區,並評估8項環境變數。目的為建立植物資源清單及植群資料,並瞭解影響植物社會分化之環境因子及各植群型之多樣性差異。結果共記錄了維管束植物706種,其中46種為稀有植物。透過雙向指標種分析配合降趨對應分析將木本植物社會劃分為4型,分別為水錦樹-白匏仔型、瓊楠-長葉木薑子型、紅淡比-長尾柯型及厚葉柃木-臺灣鐵杉型;草本植物社會則劃分為大花咸豐草-菁芳草型、腎蕨型、奮起湖冷水麻-菁芳草型、栗蕨-臺灣鱗毛蕨型、高山白珠樹-芒型及玉山箭竹型等6型。木本植物社會之海拔分布在榕楠林帶呈現擴張現象,高海拔鐵杉林帶則有下降傾向,而使位於其中之楠櫧林帶及櫟林帶呈壓縮現象。利用典型對應分析得出木本植物社會中,影響植物組成的環境變數以海拔高度、土壤pH值、土壤含石率、地形位置、全天光空域、直射光空域及方位最重要;草本植物社會則為海拔高度及全天光空域。木本植群型中瓊楠-長葉木薑子型在Shannon、Simpson、Berger多樣性及均勻度指數經由單因子變異數分析後顯著高於其他植群型。植相分析顯示南大武山區保有7種高山草本植物組成,如玉山抱莖籟簫、川上氏薊、矮菊、玉山杜鵑、玉山水苦蕒、玉山針藺及玉山箭竹等。並且推論南大武山可能為臺灣鐵杉純林、巒大花楸及刺柏於臺灣天然分布之南界。


There were 85 woody vegetation plots in 250 m2 and 30 herbaceous plots in 4 m2 set along Varus River on the southern Central Mountain Range to the Nantawushan area and 8 terms of environmental variables evaluated in this study. It was tried to set up a list of the plant resource and the vegetation data, and realize the environmental factors affecting the vegetation differentiation and the diversity difference among the vegetation types. The result showed that 706 species of vascular plants were recorded, including 46 species of rare species. The woody vegetation community was classified into 4 types by the TWINSPAN and the DCA, which were Wendlandia uvariifolia - Mallotus paniculatus type, Beilschmiedia erythrophloia - Litsea acuminata type, Cleyera japonica - Castanopsis cuspidate var. carlesii type, and Eurya glaberrima - Tsuga chinensis var. formosana type. Simultaneously, the herbaceous vegetation community was classified into Bidens pilosa var. radiata - Drymaria diandra type, Nephrolepis auriculata type, Pilea funkikensis - Drymaria diandra type, Histiopteris incisa - Dryopteris formosana type, Gaultheria itoana - Miscanthus sinensis type and Yushania niitakayamensis type, in total 6 types. It was found that the subtropical broad-leaved forest formation on the low altitude expanded and the cold-temperate coniferous forest formation on the high altitude went down, so that the warm-temperate broad-leaved forest formation was compressed. Through the CCA, it was realized that altitude, soil pH, stoniness, topography, whole light sky space, direct light sky space, and aspect were related significantly to the composition of woody vegetation community. However, altitude and whole light sky space were related significantly to the composition of herbaceous vegetation community. Moreover, all the Shannon’s, Simpson’s, and Berger’s diversity indices and evenness indices suggested that the Beilschmiedia erythrophloia - Litsea acuminata type showed significant difference with other vegetation types by ANOVA. According to the floristic analysis, there are 7 alpine herbaceous plants retained in Nantawushan, such as Anaphalis morrisonicola, Cirsium kawakamii, Myriactis humilis, Rhododendron pseudochrysanthum, Veronica morrisonicola, Trichophorum subcapitatum, and Yushania niitakayamensis. It is supposed that Nantawushan might be the southern boundary of natural distribution in Taiwan to the pure stand of Tsuga chinensis var. formosana, Sorbus randaiensis, and Juniperus formosana.


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