  • 學位論文


A study on the Turnover Intention of Senior High School Teachers with Administrative Positions

指導教授 : 廖婉鈞


摘要 學號:N10170014 論文名稱:高中職學校兼行政教師辭卸行政傾向之研究 總頁數:125 學校名稱:國立屏東科技大學     所別:技術及職業教育研究所 畢業時間及摘要別:102學年度第2學期碩士學位論文摘要 研究生:秦珮珊 指導教授:廖婉鈞 論文摘要: 學校兼行政教師辭卸行政傾向為當前教育行政實務場域上亟待改善的議題,本研究引用工作要求-資源模式(JD-R)為理論基礎,先檢驗工作壓力、薪酬福利滿足、知覺校長支持行為對辭卸行政傾向的影響,再進一步探討個人特質因素中的成長需求強度和情緒智慧對上述影響關係的調節效果。本研究採問卷調查方式蒐集177名屏東縣高中職學校兼行政教師為有效樣本,以階層迴歸分析檢驗假設。研究結果如下: ㄧ、工作壓力對辭卸行政傾向具有正向影響。 二、薪酬福利滿足對辭卸行政傾向有負向影響。 三、知覺校長支持行為對辭卸行政傾向有負向影響。 四、個體的成長需求強度對工作壓力與辭卸行政傾向之關係具有舒緩的調節效果。 五、成長需求強度對薪酬福利滿足與辭卸行政傾向之關係有弱化的調節效果。 六、成長需求強度對知覺校長支持行為與辭卸行政傾向之關係有弱化的調節效果。 七、情緒智慧對薪酬福利滿足與辭卸行政傾向之關係有強化調節效果。 根據研究結果,對學校行政實務提出建議: 一、教育主管機關或學校管理者宜評估各行政職務適當的工作量,並安排相關輔助資源,減輕兼行政教師工作壓力。例如:整併與簡化公文簽辦流程、設置各行政業務諮詢專線、提供心理諮商管道。 二、以公平合理之原則定期檢視及修訂兼行政教師薪酬福利制度。 三、強化學校校長領導知能,尤其是校長支持行為的運用展現。 四、人才選用方面,宜儘量選任成長需求強度高者、避免情緒智慧低者擔任學校兼行政教師。 五、人才培育方面,全面加強學校教師及師培生的成長需求強度與情緒智慧。 關鍵詞:工作壓力、薪酬福利滿足、知覺校長支持行為、成長需求強度、情緒智慧


Abstract Student ID: N10170014 Title of Thesis: A study on the Turnover Intention of Senior High School Teachers with Administrative Positions Total Pages: 125 National Pingtung University of Science and Technology Department/Graduate Institute: Graduate Institute of Technological and Vocational Education Date of Graduation: July, 2014 Degree Conferred: Master Name of Student: Chin, Pei-Shan Advisor: Dr. Liao, Wan-Chun Abstract: The tendency of school teachers with administrative positions to discharge administration is an improvement issue in educational practice. Based on the job demands-resources model (JD-R), the effects of work stress, salary and benefits satisfaction, and perceived principal supportive behavior on the tendency to discharge administration are first tested in this study; then, the moderating effects of growth need strength and emotional intelligence in personality traits on the above correlations are further discussed. With questionnaire survey, 177 senior and vocational high school administration teachers in Pingtung County are collected the valid samples, and Hierarchical Regression Analysis is applied to testing the hypotheses. The research results are concluded as below. 1.Work stress presents positive effects on tendency to discharge administration. 2.Salary and benefits satisfaction shows negative effects on tendency to discharge administration. 3.Principal supportive behavior reveals negative effects on tendency to discharge administration. 4.Individual growth need strength appears moderating effects on releasing the correlations between work stress and tendency to discharge administration. 5.Growth need strength presents moderating effects on weakening the correlations between salary and benefits satisfaction and tendency to discharge administration. 6.Growth need strength shows moderating effects on weakening the correlations between perceived principal supportive behavior and tendency to discharge administration. 7.Emotional intelligence reveals moderating effects on reinforcing the correlations between salary and benefits satisfaction and tendency to discharge administration. Based on these findings, some suggestion were provided as the related department and the staffs. Keywords: work stress, salary and benefits satisfaction, principal supportive behavior, growth need strength, emotional intelligence


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