  • 學位論文


Study of Rotor Geometry and Dynamics Characteristics for Twin-Screw Compressors under Cyclic Gas Load

指導教授 : 吳育仁




The pair of meshing male rotor and female rotor is the core component operating inside the Twin-screw Compressor. During operation, cyclic gas load will cause rotor deformation, gas leak and power consumption of the rotor. The design of meshing rotor is crucial in the performance of compressor. Based on Multibody Dynamics theory, this study aims to design the meshing rotor and Bearing System for the Twin-screw Compressor using MSD.ADAMS software. In this study, the gas torque of meshing rotor is taking into consideration. The geometry characteristics of the needed gas torque were established in the Integrated Research Programs, National Science Council. In order to rapidly obtain the geometry and load data of meshing rotor, this study integrated Thermal Performance Simulation, Stress Analysis of meshing rotor and Numerical Analysis to facilitate the modification of the geometrical and working condition parameter in the model. This is the first study applying industrial case by using commercial Refrigerant Screw Compressor to establish the CAE model of meshing rotor with the gas torque data. The result is compared with the frequency spectrum of vibration’ s actual measurement to establish an original model. In order to further explore the effect of cyclic gas load on meshing rotor, three models were developed according to the modified geometry characteristics of original model. The result suggests the characteristics of simulated frequency spectrum of contact force and the characteristics of measured frequency spectrum of vibration have the tendency to be resembled.


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