  • 學位論文

臺灣南部熱帶火蟻 (Solenopsis geminata) 生態調查、 病原檢測與火蟻病毒之感染

The population survey, entomopathogen detection and viral infection of tropical fire ant (Solenopsis geminata) in southern Taiwan

指導教授 : 張念台


熱帶火蟻 Solenopsis geminata (Fabricius) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae),原生於中美洲及美國南部,隨著貿易分散至全世界,可能約於三十多年前入侵臺灣,主要遍布在中南部地區。雖熱帶火蟻不若入侵紅火蟻 (S. invicta Buren) 造成之危害嚴重,但二者分類地位相近,發生生態及所造成的危害也相似,且多發生於人口密集的區域。本研究自民國99年9月10日到102年10月17日止,針對臺南、高雄、屏東、臺東等4縣市,隨機調查這些地區的國中小學、公園和其他公共場所,紀錄熱帶火蟻的分布與發生情形,了解族群數有無逐年增長之可能。在第1年度調查的239樣區中,發生率為25.5%;第2年度調查231個樣區,發生率為16.5%;第3年度總調查294樣區中,則有113個樣點 (38.4%) 存在熱帶火蟻族群。氣溫和雨量為導致不同縣市調查之發生率皆以第2年發生率最低,第3年度發生最高的主因,分析指出熱帶火蟻好發於高溫高濕時期。另熱帶火蟻有76.8% 偏好於木本植物根部下方築巢,而其中以榕樹下築巢的比率 (19.3%) 最高。蟻巢建構之土壤類型則以保濕性和排水性較佳的壤土為主,佔所有調查的90.3%。為尋求安全之防治方法,本研究針對臺南、高雄和屏東所採的85個採樣蟻巢進行致病原檢測,結果顯示此地區熱帶火蟻未受入侵紅火蟻病毒 (SINV-1, 2, 3) 或沃爾巴克氏菌 (Wolbachia) 感染,但於屏東地區檢出2巢帶有微孢子蟲 Kneallhazia solenopsae,此為臺灣首次發現之熱帶火蟻致病原。另臺灣入侵紅火蟻體內偵測到之SINV-1病毒,過去已有人為感染健康入侵紅火蟻之案例,本研究則以SINV-1病毒對熱帶火蟻進行人工感染,結果證實此病毒對其有慢性之致死效應。其中以含病毒之蜂蜜水感染含有子代之受測蟻巢,在28日之累積死亡率達19.6%為最高,同時PCR檢出工蟻體內病毒機率較高。證實SINV-1病毒對熱帶火蟻的立即致死效果雖低,但病毒可被帶回巢內傳播,當有逆境時便有機會使全巢蟻體發病或子代大量死亡。未來可望進一步精確地偵測病毒於熱帶火蟻體內之增殖情形,瞭解病毒大量複製和病徵表現之關鍵,期望有助於臺灣地區熱帶火蟻之防治。


Solenopsis geminata (Fabricius) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) is a native species of Central and South America. They were introduced thirty years ago by international trade, and now distribution in Central and South of Taiwan. Although it not caused great damage as S. invicta Buren, but S. geminata is similar to the latter in taxonomic status, causing same damage and distribution in the densely populated area. The survey of S. geminata was conducted by random sampling public places, schools and parks in Tainan, Kaohsiung, Pingtung and Taitung county of Taiwan during Septenber 2010 - October 2013. This study can provide occurrence and distribution information of S. geminata. The occurrence rate was 25.5% of 239 sampled sites for 3 counties in the first year; the rate of occur was 16.5% out of 231 sample sites in the second year; and there are 113 samples (38.4%) found the S. geminata in total 294 samples in the third year. Monthly mean temperature and rainfall were found closely related to the occurrence of S. geminata which indicated that S. geminata usually occur in hot and humid periods in the summer and autumn. There are 76.8% of S. geminata prefer to nest beneath the roots of woody plants, especially the highest nesting ratio (19.3%) under banyan. The most preferred soil type for nest construction is the loam, accounting for 90.3% of all the nests surveyed. Because S. geminata population is concentrated occurring in the southern region of Taiwan. For searching natural enemies to safely control S. geminata, we sampled and detected pathogen in 85 nests collected form Tainan, Kaohsiung and Pingtung. Both ant virus (SINV-1, 2, 3) and the Wolbachia were not detected, while two nests from Pingtung were found infected by Kneallhazia. solenopsae. This is the first time that pathogen of S. geminata was discovered in Taiwan. It has been detected and artificially infected of SINV-1 virus on S. invicta in Taiwan. This same virus was used to study it’s efficacy on S. geminata. The results indicated that the highest infection rate (19.6%) is at 28 days after feeding ants with honey water contain SINV-1 virus. The highest probability detecting virus was found in worker body by PCR method. Although the low and chronic lethal effect of SINV-1 virus were proved, it has opportunity to made all ants or their offspring dead when environmental pressure increase. In the future, we can accurately measure situation and multiplication of SINV-1 virus in S. geminata, to understand the mechanism of duplication and symptoms performed of SINV-1 virus in S. geminata, and to improve the control of this pest in Taiwan.


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