  • 學位論文


Effect of different metal ions immersion solution on the quality of pickled duck egg

指導教授 : 林貞信


皮蛋又稱千年蛋,是亞洲歷史悠久的蛋類加工品,在台灣頗為盛行。在皮蛋製造過程中,會在醃漬液中添加金屬離子,如鉛或銅,做為加工助劑,以穩定品質及安定色澤,而鉛和銅離子皆會導致蛋殼中上有黑點形成,使消費者不易辨識所購買的皮蛋是否含鉛。本研究旨在利用兩種不同金屬離子的鐵鋅混合法,取代鉛銅離子,於25℃恆溫室中,以醃漬法醃漬鴨蛋20天,並加入無添加金屬離子的空白組及市售組一起比較。鴨蛋於每5天撈取觀察其理化性質,在20天時全數撈取,探討其品質之差異並且計算製成率。根據實驗結果顯示,C組即硫酸亞鐵與硫酸鋅混合組,為本研究實驗組最高達製成率72%,且蛋殼無黑色斑點,其蛋白及蛋黃最終pH為11.06及10.56;蛋白膠著性達0.337±0.057 N較市售組高;而蛋白及蛋黃其L, a, b值為26.33±0.02、1.76±0.08、1±0.07及30.22±0.01、-0.58±0.07、2.66±0.06,與市售組具有顯著性差異(p<0.05);而在可溶性蛋白質含量方面,在第20醃漬天時為187.50 ppm,為所有組別中最小值;其鉛、銅、鋅含量為未檢出、1.1 ppm和14.1 ppm,雖然鋅含量較高於市售組,但仍在可接受範圍內;而在最後感官品評部分,雖然色澤與市售組差異較大,但可以看到其在彈性部分獲得最高分數;在整體接受性結果中,也僅次於市售組。綜合以上結果,利用硫酸亞鐵與硫酸鋅是較適合用來代替皮蛋醃漬液中的鉛銅離子。


皮蛋 黑色斑點 醃漬法 硫酸亞鐵 硫酸鋅


Preserved eggs (Pidan) known as thousand years egg, is a long-established egg processing product in Asia and is quite popular in Taiwan. In the production process of preserved eggs, metal ions such as lead or copper are added to the immersion solution as a processing aid to stabilize the quality and color. Both of lead and copper ions would cause black spots on the eggshell making it difficult for consumers to identify whether the preserved eggs are lead-free or not. The purpose of this study was to use two different metal ions, iron-zinc, mixing methods to replace lead and copper ions, and to pickle duck eggs in a 25°C constant temperature room for 20 days, and include blanks, without metal ions added, and commercial groups as comparison. The duck eggs were taken out every 5 days for observing the physicochemical properties. At the end of 20 days immersion, the eggs were all collected and the differences in quality were explored, the production rate was calculated as well. According to the experimental results, Group C, a group consisting of ferrous sulphate and zinc sulphate, was the highest in the experimental groups with a production rate of 72% and no black spots were found on the eggshell. The final pHs of the protein and egg yolk were 11.06 and 10.56, respectively. The egg white gumminess of 0.337±0.057 N was higher than that of the commercial group. The egg white and egg yolk had L, a, and b values of 26.33±0.02, 1.76±0.08, 1±0.07, and 30.22±0.01, -0.58±0.07, and 2.66±0.06, respectively, which were significantly different from those of the commercial group (p<0.05). In terms of soluble protein content, it was 187.50 ppm at the 20th day of pickling, which was the smallest value among all groups. The lead, copper, and zinc contents were undetected, 1.1 ppm, and 14.1 ppm, respectively. Although the zinc content was higher than the commercial group, it was still within the acceptable range. In the last part, the sensory evaluation, although the color was quite different from the commercial group, it still had the highest score in thespringness. As to the overall acceptance, it was only second to the commercial group. Based on the above results, the use of ferrous sulfate and zinc sulfate was found to be more suitable for replacing the lead and copper ions in immersion solution of preserved eggs.


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Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). 2005. Toxicological Profile for Zinc (Update). Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Public Health and Human Services, Public Health Service.
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). 2007. Toxicological Profile for Lead. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service.
American Egg Board. 1974. A scientist speaks about eggs. American Egg Board, Chicago.
C.M. Ho. 1952. A study on the process of manufacturing preserved eggs. Journal of Agricultural Research of China 3(4): 55-66.
