  • 學位論文

翡翠水庫保護區食蛇龜(Cuora flavomarginata)季節性之溫度生態

Seasonal Thermal Ecology of the Yellow-margined Box Turtle (Cuora flavomarginata) in a Wildlife Refuge of Northern Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳添喜


本研究於2017年5月至2018年9月,以翡翠水庫食蛇龜野生動物保護區內野生食蛇龜(Cuora flavomarginata)為對象,使用無線電追蹤及小型溫度記錄器,探討其季節性溫度生態。由無線電追蹤個體背甲溫度、所利用微棲地類型與樣區開闊環境及森林底層對照環境之環境溫濕度比較,探討食蛇龜於不同季節中溫度調節特性、使用棲地類型差異及度冬習性等溫度生態。並與過去於2002-2003年於相同樣區的結果進行比較,以了解其溫度生態在不同年間的變化。於6至9月,不論公母龜皆會避開開闊環境中的高溫,母龜會利用環境溫度高於森林底層的環境,其平均背甲溫度也高於公龜。於10至11月,食蛇龜的溫度調節行為頻度較低。12月至隔年3月,食蛇龜會利用溫度變化較穩定的環境度冬。多數追蹤個體於11月中旬隨環境溫度下降後,出現停止溫度調節行為並陸續移動至度冬地點;於3月下旬至4月中旬當森林底層環境溫度日最高溫上升超過25°C並持續2至5日後,多數追蹤個體會出現溫度調節行為並離開度冬地點。於4至5月環境溫度逐漸上升,多數食蛇龜會於此時結束度冬,並利用環境中溫度較高的棲地以調節溫度,晴天時母龜會透過調節行為使其背甲溫度上升至超過開闊環境溫度。於2017-2018年及2002-2003年之追蹤個體皆歷經50天以上才全數結束度冬,顯示並非所有個體皆於受到相同環境訊號刺激後結束度冬,除了環境溫度變化外,還有其他環境因素會影響食蛇龜度冬期結束時間。夏季或環境溫度過高時部分個體會利用溪谷或倒木等較為陰涼之環境;度冬期剛結束時多數母龜會移動至開闊環境或森林空隙調節溫度,多樣的棲地類型有利於食蛇龜進行溫度調節。


食蛇龜 溫度生態 溫度調節 度冬


Seasonal thermal ecology of the yellow-margined box turtles (Cuora flavomarginata) was studied in the Feitsui Reservoir Wildlife Refuge of northern Taiwan. From May 2017 to September 2018, sell surface temperature (TS) of 11 radio-tagged box turtles were recorded by using temperature dataloggers and environment temperature of open habitat (TO) and forested habitat (TF) were also recorded concurrently. In hot seasons (June-September), mean daily maximal TS of females was significantly higher than that of males and TF, indicating that turtles avoided extreme high temperature in open habitats and stayed under vegetated forest. In fall (October-November), turtles thermoregulated less frequently and their TS kept closely to TF. In cold seasons (December-March), they stayed under the forested habitats with relatively minor stable temperature variation as overwinter sites. Most turtles stopped thermoregulation and moved to overwintering sites as TF decreasing sharply in mid-November, and thermoregulated and left overwintering sites after the daily maximal TF attained 25°C or higher for 2-5 consecutive days. In April-May, most turtles left overwintering sites and moved to warmer habitat; females used open habitat more frequently than males on sunny days. Compared to the results obtained in 2002-2003, turtles emerged from overwintering during March and April of both 2003 and 2018, spanning a period of more than 50 days. My results suggest that individual C. flavomarginata may not depend on environmental temperature as cues for emergence from overwintering only, but also some other complex environmental factors. Some turtles stayed in cooler habitats, such as mountain streams or under fallen trees, during consecutive days with extreme high temperature. Most females used open habitats or forest gap after emergence from overwintering, indicating that box turtles may benefit from variety of thermal environments in the habitats for thermoregulating.


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