  • 學位論文


A Study on the Motivation of Taiwan Eco-agritourism by Foreign Visitors

指導教授 : 林俊男


目前遊客對旅遊服務之重點關注在健康、環境、教育和永續發展。農業生態旅遊是一種新型的旅遊業,其重點是環境保護,並且以農業與環境相結合的自然景觀為基礎。在台灣,農業生態旅遊具有很好的發展性,有著良好規模的生態農場。外國遊客來台灣旅遊及包括體驗自然農業,主要動機基於農場的吸引力、設施、餐食、體驗活動可供消費選擇。本研究的主要目的是了解外國遊客在台灣農場的旅遊的動機,調查的重點是在台灣經營自然、環境和農業旅遊比較成功的農場。 本研究運用了層次分析法(AHP),透過問卷調查和訪問不同的農場,讓外國人回答了不同的問題,這些問題有助於了解外國人參觀台灣農場的動機及決策。結果顯示,外國遊客在參觀農場時,首先關注為地方整潔、地理位置、安全度和價格,其次為食品和口味是否為有機產品等。外國遊客也會去搜尋有關動植物的探索、環境及娛樂活動。最後本研究可以鼓勵其他國家以台灣為榜樣,向世界展示如何開始利用生態農業旅遊項目的新概念,提升生態農業成為一種可持續發展的方式。


Currently, visitors are interested in tourism services focus on health, environment, education, and sustainability. Eco-agritourism is a new type of tourism with a focus in the care of environment with experience based in natural attractions combining agriculture with the environment. In Taiwan, eco-agritourism is well developed with good examples of farms with eco-agritourism activities. Foreigner tourists come to Taiwan for travel and visit new places that include experiences with agriculture and nature and the motivation on farm attraction, facilities, food products, experiential activities and purchase decisions. The main objective of this research is to gain an understanding of visiting intentions of foreign travelers in Taiwan farm with activities focus on nature, environment, and agriculture, and to take success examples at Taiwan farms. Qualitative methodologies was applied using survey data by questionnaire and visiting different farms. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used in this study and foreigners answered different questions that helped to know the decision making of foreign to visit a Taiwan farm. The results showing the importance of tourists to visit a farm in Taiwan taking the most important criteria in the motivation that include Taiwan farms as a main attraction. In the visit to the farm tourist are focus first in the cleanliness of the place, location, security and price in general, then in the food quality and taste and to buy organic products. Tourists also are seeking for adventure and fun activities with animals and plants with environmental enjoyable activities. In conclusion, this study can encourage to other countries to take the example that Taiwan show to the world and start to apply an eco-agritourism projects and elevate the new concept of Eco-agritourism as a sustainable way.


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