  • 學位論文

入侵性螞蟻(Hymenoptera: Formicidae)新誘餌之開發

Development of New Baits for Invasive Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)

指導教授 : 卡雷納 王裕民


螞蟻是常見的入侵性物種,占全球的百分之五。從牠們的形態、行為以及豐富的種類,能反映出棲息地的不同。中華單家蟻(Monomorium chinensis Santschi)與長足捷蟻(Anoplolepis gracilipes Smith),是侵略覓食性之分解者,名列在百大螞蟻害蟲中。而牠們與動物、植物之間共生的關係,使牠們能滲透到各種生態系統中。牠們對生物多樣性、自然生態,與人類健康的負面影響,被認定為有害的侵略性物種。目前的誘餌設計還不夠理想化,若誘餌暴露在極端的溫度與潮濕的環境中,會降低效力。因此,在都市及農業環境中需考慮,如何訂定完善的病蟲害管理。如今的管理措施,包含殺蟲劑之環境應用。但長期施用殺蟲劑,導致殘留物慢慢累積在環境中;對非目標生物,生態系統與人類健康,產生不利之影響。於是生物殺蟲劑“綠色農藥”,逐漸轉變為殺蟲劑之替代品。在美國法律對殺蟲劑殘留量,嚴格要求之下,凝膠誘餌可有效改進當前的管理策略。全球有害生物防治市場也正在成長;在法律規範之下,企業尋求適當的解決方式。綜上所述,需要開發以自然成分製作,且價格低廉的防水凝膠誘餌;同時,不會被環境影響。誘餌可以有效地防治都市害蟲;螞蟻可以接受誘餌,並帶回蟻窩,是誘餌成功的關鍵。一般而言,好的誘餌要以能增加適口性,與接受度的食物引誘劑或費洛蒙組成;使用毒性緩慢之毒物且不會被螞蟻排斥,作為載體混和其他材料。本實驗中,使用十種植物精油與硼酸,進行螞蟻防治效力之比較。初步實驗在實驗室環境下,使用新誘餌對中華單家蟻與長足捷蟻,進行測驗。實驗結果指出:(1)天然的硼酸與植物精油,能有效地防治螞蟻,並用來取代市售餌劑所含之化學物質。(2)糖蜜和果糖能吸引螞蟻。(3)新的餌劑M3(3%硼酸+糖蜜)及F3(3%硼酸+果糖),可以替代市售之化學(芬普尼)凝膠餌劑。


Ants are ubiquitous and abundant comprising 5% of the world’s worst invasive species. Their morphological and behavioral diversity and species-richness reflect the range of habitats they occupy throughout various regions. Monomorium chinensis Santschi and Anoplolepis gracilipes Smith are general scavengers with aggressive foraging and feeding habits, making them two of the top 100 ant pests. Their rich trophic associations with other plant and animal species have allowed their infiltration into various ecosystems. Their negative impacts on biodiversity, natural ecology and human health make them an important problematic invasive species. Current bait designs are not very ideal, and long-term effects of synthetic insecticides have resulted in residues accumulating in different environmental components. These have adverse effects on non-target organisms, ecosystems and human health. Bio-insecticides “green pesticides” could be an alternative to synthetic insecticides, and thus the need to develop affordable and nature-based gel baits. As part of this study, a series of tests were conducted to assess the performances of 10 plant based essential oils against boric acid as potential active ingredients for use in effective ant control. Apart from cayenne pepper and holy basil that displayed low toxicity, garlic, ginger, lemon grass, lemon, sandalwood, clove citronella and tangerine all performed better than boric acid on both ant species. Based on the results of this study, new baits were formulated and tested on M. chinensis and A. gracilipes under laboratory conditions. This study noted that; (1) most plant-based essential oils can effectively substitute the hazardous synthetic chemicals as active ingredients in current ant baits (2) molasses and fructose are effective ant attractants, and (3) the new Lab baits M3 (3% boric + molasses) and F3 (3% boric + fructose) have the potential to replace current commercial Fipronil based gel baits.


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