  • 學位論文


The Study of Seedlings Planting Experiments and Browsing Preference of Muntiacus reevesi micrurus in Wuling Abandoned Field

指導教授 : 王志強


本研究於武陵廢耕地進行原生樹種之生態造林試驗,分為苗木栽植試驗及臺灣山羌取食偏好調查2個類別。苗木栽植試驗選擇15種原生樹種,以植穴坑種植搭配4種栽植處理(無處理/對照組、敷蓋稻殼、灌水打漿、灌水打漿並敷蓋稻殼);臺灣山羌取食偏好則調查32個樣區33種樹種,並探討苗木高度、樹種、栽植環境對臺灣山羌偏好性的影響。結果顯示:臺灣赤楊、山桐子、朴樹、石楠、阿里山榆、臺灣櫸等6種苗木之存活率與生長表現均佳,為適用於武陵廢耕地之樹種;山枇杷、夏皮楠、青剛櫟、狹葉高山櫟、豬腳楠、山柿、木荷、山櫻花、烏心石等9種苗木之存活率與生長表現較差,不適於廢耕地森林復育初期進行栽植,而4種栽植處理對於各樹種苗木之存活率及生長表現並無顯著差異,綜合各樹種苗木與栽植處理之表現,可知選擇適宜樹種是廢耕地生態造林的首要考量。武陵廢耕地出栽苗木受臺灣山羌取食率與苗高呈現高度負相關,且1 m以上之苗木受臺灣山羌取食之比例大幅下降;在受取食樹種方面,未受取食樹種有5種,低受取食樹種有19種,中受取食者為10種,高受取食樹種則有6種,且苗木受圍網保護之被取食率為0;本研究認為栽植苗高1 m以上之苗木、臺灣山羌不喜食之樹種,及以圍網保護苗木,均可有效減少臺灣山羌取食造林苗木。


This study was carried out in Wuling abandoned field and divided into two categories: seedling planting experiment and Reeves's muntjac (Muntiacus reevesi Micrurus) browsing preference survey. The seedling planting experiment was carried out with planting pits and planting 4 methods (no treatment/control group, rice husk mulching, slurrying, slurrying and rice husks mulching). Browsing preference of Reeves's muntjac was to investigate 33 tree species in 32 plots. The effects of seedling height, tree species and planting environment on preference of Reeves's muntjac were discussed. According to the results, six species of seedlings, namely Alnus formosana, Idesia polycarpa, Celtis sinensis, Photinia serratifolia, Ulmus uyematsui, and Zelkova serrata showed better survival rate and growth performance, which is suitable in abandoned field. Nine species including Eriobotrya deflexa, Photinia niitakayamensis, Quercus glauca, Cyclobalanopsis stenophylloides, Machilus thunbergii, Diospyros japonica, Schima superba, Prunus campanulata, and Michelia compressa showed poor growth and survival performance, and are not suitable for planting in the early stage of forest restoration in abandoned field. There were no significant differences within four planting treatments. Combining the performance of seedlings and planting methods of various tree species, we can see that the selection of suitable tree species is the primary consideration for ecological afforestation of abandoned field. The percentage of browsed seedling (PBS) in the abandoned field showed a highly negative correlation with the height of the seedlings, where the proportion of seedlings above 1 m browsed by the Reeves's muntjac has fallen sharply. According to the species of trees, there are 5 species of none browsed species, 19 species of low PBS tree species, 10 species of moderate PBS, and 6 species of high PBS tree species. And the browsed rate of seedlings protected by the purse seine is 0. In this study, it is considered that purse seine, plants that are unfavorable to Reeves's muntjac, and seedlings which are too high to be browsed by Reeves's muntjac, are effective for the reduction of Reeves's muntjac browsing.


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