  • 學位論文


Using Web Pages to Construct a set of Case-Based Reasoning to Improve 3D Printing Quality

指導教授 : 楊政融


現今社會的氛圍,每個人都想要與眾不同,再加上網際網路的蓬勃發展、電腦效能提升、3D列印技術的出現,人們都可輕鬆的設計及分享自己的產品。只要你有3D列印機,設計完的產品就不需要再拿去開模或使用傳統的切削加工方法。目前許多3D列印機有著低成本的優勢,能在家製作自己的產品。然而,在列印之前都需要經過切片軟體,如Cura、slic3r、KISSlicer等,將使用者所設計的產品進行切層,及列印時機台作動等設置,往往會因為使用者的經驗不足,使產品列印失敗。 因此本研究提出利用案例式推理(Case-Based Reasoning, CBR)的方法結合網站系統建構的方式,提升案例式推理系統使用上的便利性,同時也方便收集大量的列印數據,初學者可以運用此套系統學習進階參數的設置,不管案例列印的好或是壞,只要將每次的列印完的參數回存到案例庫當中,使系統達到自我學習的功能。


Currently, fashion trends are moving in a unique and personal direction. With the advancement of Internet and computer technology, and also the popularity of 3D printing technology, everyone can easily design and share their own products. As long as you have a 3D printer, the finished product does not need to the molding or the machining methods. The Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) process of 3D printer has the advantage of low cost and can make it at home. However, it is necessary to pass through the slicing software, such as Cura, slic3r, KISSlicer, to determine the manufacturing parameters before printing. Insufficient user experience often results in product printing failures. Therefore, this study presents to the use of Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) method combined with the construction of the website system to enhance the convenience of the use of the Case-Based Reasoning system, and also can collect a large number of printed data in the same time. Beginners can use this system to learn to set on advanced parameters. Whether the quality is good or not, just restore the printed parameters to the case base to make the system achieve self-learning.


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