  • 學位論文


Effect of vacuum frying on the physicochemical properties of instant rice fries

指導教授 : 林貞信 余旭勝




Domestic rice is one of the staple foods of Taiwanese. However, due to the impact of western food culture, the consumption of rice in the country has been decreasing year by year. The fast food industry in the west has flourished, and French fries have become one of the world-famous fast foods. Recently, it has also developed a market for instant fries snacks. Therefore, in order to allow more consumers to increase the food intake of rice, combined with the popular western snacks. In this study, the mass production test of rice fries products was carried out, and the instant rice fries were developed by vacuum frying test to explore different rice fries formulas (40 and 50% rice flour) and frying temperature (90, 100 and 110 ℃) and the effect of frying time (15, 17.5 and 20 minutes) on the quality of rice fries. Results of this study showed that the moisture content of instant rice fries was decreased along with increasing frying temperature and frying time, whereas the oil content would be increased. In general, the oil content of instant rice fries with 50 % rice flour was lower than that with 40% rice flour. It means that the content of rice flour would significantly affect the oil content of instant rice fries. Last, the instant rice fries, having the same moisture content, oil content, color, hardness and cutting force close to the commercial potato fries C, was chosen for sensory evaluation test. 40% rice flour content rice fries and 50% rice flour content rice fries were fried in the vacuum. The vacuum frying temperature, 100 ℃, and the frying time, 17.5 minutes, obtained instant rice fries were most close to the commercial potato fries C in terms of hardness, brittleness and overall acceptance. The formula of rice fries with 40% rice flour vacuum fried at 100℃ achieved the highest overall acceptance. The goal of this research is to develop a distinctive instant rice fries product, which will add value to the Taiwanese rice industry.


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