  • 學位論文


Assessment of soil sand change after application of adjustable sand control dam in Zhibenxi and dam removal

指導教授 : 許中立


本研究利用二維數值模式CCHE-2D模擬知本溪上游處可調式防砂壩壩體建立前後之水理、輸砂模擬試驗,經重現期距50、100年之含砂流量模擬後,探討可調式防砂壩之效果,並利用鋼管可拆除的特性,拆除後壩體的土砂流出情形,以瞭解「調節式防砂壩」之功效,探討調節後的河床變化。並輔以空中攝影測量觀察建壩後之河道變化。 二維數值模擬結果顯示,可調式防砂壩加入後,土砂被攔蓄於壩體的上游,因此壩體上游的河床糙度及水位會因此升高;而空拍之主要目的為透過攝影測量於相同區域前後期不同時間之拍攝獲得的點雲資料產製不規則三角網地形(TIN),再利用DTM法,針對特定區段計算土砂變化,最後探討土砂變化及產製之正射影像成果比較。


調節式防砂壩 攝影測量 UAV CCHE-2D


In this study, the two-dimensional numerical model CCHE-2D is used to simulate the water management before and after the establishment of the adjustable sand dam body in the upper reaches of Zhibenxi. The sand transport simulation test is carried out after the simulation of the sand loading flow with a recurrence period of 50 and 100 years. The effect of the adjustable sand control dam, and the use of the removable characteristics of the steel pipe, remove the soil sand outflow situation of the rear dam body, to understand the effect of the "adjustable sand control dam", and to explore the adjustment of the riverbed after adjustment. It is supplemented by aerial photogrammetry to observe the changes in the river channel after the dam is built. The results of two-dimensional numerical simulation show that after the adjustable sand control dam is added, the soil sand is stored in the upstream of the dam, so the riverbed roughness and water level in the upstream of the dam will increase. The main purpose of the aerial photography is to measure the same through the photogrammetry. The point cloud data obtained from different regions in the early and late stages of the region produced irregular triangulated terrain (TIN), and then used the DTM method to calculate soil sand changes for specific sections. Finally, the orthophoto results of soil sand change and production were compared.


Check Dam Sediment Trapping UAV DSM


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