  • 學位論文


The impact of food shape abnormality on consumer’s risk perception and purchase intention.

指導教授 : 蘇衍綸




Food waste has been received much attention and become a popular media topic as a consequence of its relationship with sustainability. In developing countries, must of food is wasted at post-harvest and processing levels, because of the poor infrastructure and low levels of technology, in food production systems. However, in developed countries, the majority of food waste occurs at the early stages in the food supply chain. One major reason for this is that food is sorted out due to rigorous quality standards set up by large-scale distributors concerning weight, size, shape and appearance. The purposes of the study are to examine that Taiwanese consumers may associate naturally occurring vegetable shape-abnormalities with GM food, which increases their risk perception and to predict the impact of food shape abnormality and pro-environmental self-identity on consumer’s purchase intention. An online survey was used 676 participants participated in the study. The results reveal that participants perceive a strong belief that an abnormally-shape foods is the result of GM technology, and this GM belief resulted in higher risk perceptions for the abnormally-shape food products. Thus, GM belief serves as a partial mediator of the food shape-abnormality effect on risk perception. These results also revealed that both abnormally-shape food and pro-environmental self-identity was not significant. Limitations of the study and future recommendations are discussed.


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