  • 學位論文


Study of Synchronous Monitoring System for Status Adjustment and Color Identification

指導教授 : 陳金山


本研究提出利用虛擬實境配合圖形達到虛實整合的概念,即使工程師不在現場也可以利用遠端來修改。本文的研究流程說明如下:首先使用Solidworks軟體建立顏色辨別與姿勢調整機構模型,並透過3D MAX軟體將其組合美化,接著在虛擬實境方面先使用EON Reality的軟體來操控虛擬實境之虛擬互動,其次透過Visual Basic軟體來建立控制虛擬實境的人機介面,並且和PLC做為橋樑搭配其節點與實際機台做動,達到經由虛擬實境的畫面模擬現場的情況。實驗驗證自行開發之人機介面可以同步控制監視實際機台及虛擬機台的步進及連續之功能,不過實際機台與其虛擬實境機台做動延遲約有0.312的秒差。為了能夠確認顏色辦別及姿勢調整機構實體機台做動當下做動行程,在人機介面中建立了燈號之模組,而在顏色辦別及姿勢調整機構中設有感測器,感測器會傳替訊息給燈號,以確認實驗過程之監控狀態,而感測器傳替訊息給燈號之秒差約為0.02秒。


This study proposes the concept of using virtual reality and graphics to achieve the integration of virtual and real, even if the engineer is not in the field, you can use the remote to modify. The research process of this article is described as follows. First, use Solidworks software to create status adjustment and color identification model, and beautify its combination through 3D MAX software, and then use EON Reality software nodes to control the virtual interaction of virtual reality in virtual reality. Secondly, the Visual Basic software is used to create a human-machine interface to control the virtual reality, and the PLC is used as a bridge to match its nodes and the actual machine to achieve the simulation of the scene through the virtual reality screen. Experiments verify that the self-developed human-machine interface can simultaneously control and monitor the stepping and continuous functions of the actual machine and the virtual machine, but the delay between the actual machine and its virtual reality machine is about 0.312 seconds. In order to be able to confirm the actual movement of the physical movement of the status adjustment and color identification model, a module of the light signal has been established in the man-machine interface, and a sensor is provided in the status adjustment and color identification model. The sensor will send a message to the lamp to confirm the monitoring status of the experiment, and the second difference between the sensor to the lamp is about 0.02 seconds.


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