  • 學位論文


Taiwanese University Students' Perspectives on English Medium Instruction and Translingual Practices

指導教授 : 藍淑雯


近年來因為英語已被視為國際之間的共通語言,高等教育的國際化也使得與 不同國家的人有相互交流的機會愈漸頻繁,全英語授課課程的重要性日益增加, 尤其是在英語非母語之國家更為明顯,特別是亞洲國家。台灣的全英授課課程也受到許多本地大學的採用以及關注,然而,很少有文獻探討在這些英語非母語的國家中,全英語授課課程之語言使用的狀況 是否會採取多種語言存在的跨語境實踐以及學生對於這樣的教學有什麼樣的感受及建議。因此,本研究旨在探索台灣大學生在全英授課課程中的學習經驗、觀點以及建議。 本研究採用質性研究法來進行資料收集,採用了半結構式的個別訪談。 本研究的研究對象為十四位 就讀於台灣的科技大學之學生大學之學生,每位受訪者皆修讀至少一年的全英語授課課程,其中七,每位受訪者皆修讀至少一年的全英語授課課程,其中七位是就讀於農業位是就讀於農業科科系系,另外七位則是就讀於金融管理系。,另外七位則是就讀於金融管理系。 本研究主要發現如下 : 1.參與全英英語授課課程的學生,大部分都認同全英授課課程有助於提升自身的英語能力,然而,學生們的英語能力進步空間十分有限。 2.在全英語授課課程中,學生們會遇到一些困難,其中最常被提及的是,因為英語能力不足導致理解課程內容時有些許困難。 3.大部分的教師皆會在全英英語授課課程中採用跨語際實踐來提高學生的課堂理解。 4.參與全英授課課程的學生,大部分都非常同意跨語際實踐對於提高課程內容之理解力以及減輕學習焦慮都很有幫助。 5.參與全英授課課程的學生提出三項建議:設立較高標準之英語能力門檻、允許學生修習以中文授課之專業課程以及增加國際學生的課程參與以提高本地學生之學習效率。


With internationalization of higher education, people have more opportunities of interacting with others from different countries, such as on campuses. Therefore, English Medium Instruction (EMI) becomes popular in higher education institutions, especially for the non-English speaking countries in Asia. EMI has been applied by many Taiwanese universities and attracted many researchers’ attention. However, few studies investigated the language use in realistic EMI classrooms, students’ perceptions of the translingual practices, which allowed people to use multiple languages to convey the information, in EMI courses and suggestions for EMI courses. Therefore, this study aimed to explore Taiwanese students’ experiences, perceptions and suggestions to EMI courses and adopted qualitative case-study to collect data. The researcher conducted individual semi-structured interviews with fourteen participants, who had studied in EMI courses over one year at universities in Taiwan. Seven participants studied in Department of Tropical Agriculture and International Cooperation. The other seven participants studied in International Bachelor’s Degree Program in Finance. The major findings are as follows: 1.Most local EMI students in both agriculture department and finance department agreed that EMI is helpful for improving their English proficiency; however, they also pointed out that the improvement is limited. 2.There are several challenges faced the local EMI students, including their low comprehension of the course content due to their low English proficiency. 3.Some instructors applied the translingual practices in EMI classrooms through using Taiwanese Mandarin to support the students’ comprehension. 4.Most of the local EMI students highly agreed that translingual practices are helpful for enhancing the comprehension of the course content and reducing students’ learning anxiety. 5.There are three suggestions offered by the participants in support of local students’ learning in EMI courses: (1) set up a higher English proficiency criterion, (2) allow students to select professional courses taught in Taiwanese Mandarin, and (3) recruit more international students could raise local students’ learning outcomes.


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