  • 學位論文


Transitional strategies of non-profit organizations in response to social changes- A case study of the Christian Mountain Children’s Home

指導教授 : 王仕圖


山地育幼院創辦人楊煦牧師夫婦於1955年在教會會所收容失依孩童,於1970年立案登記成為財團法人,超過了半世紀的耕耘,機構為順應社會環境的改變,組織架構及服務內容的變遷情形,為本研究之宗旨。本研究採質性研究方法,以資源依賴理論、新制度論及組織生態理論為基礎。此外,宗教信仰為機構的精神與信念,在研究中也檢視宗教特性對機構服務的影響。 結果發現,機構發展分為五個時期,分別為初始創立期(1955~1969)、持續茁壯期(1970~1972)、穩健發展期(1973~1993)、調整轉型期(1994~2012)及永續發展期(2013~迄今)。這五個時期乃因經歷社會或機構重大事件,而有不同發展與轉變。 法令規範的改變深深影響機構的發展與調整,主要影響面向有組織合法性過程與組織型態、機構治理、專業人力、設置標準、服務對象、權益保障、技術活動與資源轉變。 未來建議發展策略為成立基金會、擴充服務範疇、財務來源分散與自立、社會企業的發展、資源的連結、與公部門的協調合作等六個方向。 山地育幼院始終專注在兒少安置服務中,基金會的成立為機構的轉型邁出劃時代的步伐,基金會將延續創辦人精神與使命,從延伸安置兒少的自立培育與在地社區的需要出發,開展出多元的社會福利服務。


Pastor Yang-Xu and his wife, founder of “Christian Mountain Children’s Home”, began taking care of dependent children in a church shelter in 1954. The organization was registered as a foundation in 1970, and after more than half a century of services, in order to adapt to changes in the social environment, the foundation had changed in organizational structure and service content. The transformative process of the institution is the focus of this study. The organization’ beliefs are rooted deeply within its religious faith, and thus this study also aims to inspect the influences of religion. The research methodology of this paper is qualitative research, and it is based on the resource dependence theory, new institutionalism and organizational ecology theory. Research results show that the development of the institution can be divided into five periods: the founding period (1955~1969), the period of growth (1970~1972), the steady development period (1973~1993), the transformative period (1994-2012) and the sustainable development period (2013~present). In these five periods, with regards to significant events of our society or within the organization, the institution has altered its development. Laws and regulations have significantly influenced the development and transformation of foundation. These effects include the legalization of the organization, and the changes in its configuration, governance, professional staff, setup standards, target clients, protection of rights, technical events and flow of resources. There are six different aspects of strategy for future development: establishing a new social foundation, expansion of service areas, dispersion of financial income sources and economic self-reliance, development of social enterprise, sharing of resources and collaboration with government facilities. The Christian Mountain Children’s Home always focused on placement service of adolescent and children. The establishment of new foundation will be the milestone for the transformation in modern times. The foundation will continuously spread the spirit and mission of the founder. The spirit will affect the independent training of youth after leaving residential placement and the need of local community, the organization will grow and provide a multi-dimension social welfare services.


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