  • 學位論文


Analysis of Harmful Metal Content in Aquatic Products and Health Risk Assessment

指導教授 : 龔得安 林儒緯


近年隨著國人對於食品安全意識抬頭,食品中各種潛在危害因子更加重視,其中食品中的有害金屬為最常見的危害因子之一,環境中有害金屬可能透過不當排放進入水體,並透過食物鏈進入人體內。因此本研究針對部分國人常食用之水產品進行有害金屬之含量調查與食用風險評估之研究,研究樣品採購自傳統魚市場與大型量販店,樣品包含9種貝類、5種魚類、4種甲殼類,利用原子吸收光光譜儀/感應耦合電漿質譜儀,分析銅、鎳、鉛、鎘、鉻及新興科技元素鎵、銦、鉈。 研究結果顯示,銅以香山牡蠣81.6 ± 18.4 mg/ kg wet wt.最高,鎳以梓官油魚4.1 ± 0.2 mg/ kg wet wt. 最高,鉛以香山牡蠣0.25 ± 0.1mg/ kg wet wt. 最高,鎘以梓官海瓜子0.04 ± 0.01 mg/ kg wet wt. 最高,鉻以0.09± 0.05 mg/ kg wet wt . 最高,分析樣品結果均符合我國法規標準。在新興科技元素結果顯示,鎵以冬天布袋牡蠣0.56 mg/ kg dry wt.最高,銦則均未檢出,鉈同樣以冬天布袋牡蠣0.007 mg/ kg dry wt. 最高。鎵、銦、鉈尚未標準法規之規範,其他各重金屬濃度皆符合食品中污染物質及毒素衛生標準規範。此外,各樣品中有害金屬之標的危害商數(Target Hazard Quotient, THQ)值範圍分別為貝類0.00007-0.00541,魚類0.00114-0.13566,甲殼類0.00004-0.00266,所有THQ值均小於1,在TTHQ值貝類為0.01324-0.12777,魚類為0.05214-0.13730甲殼類為0.00205-0.00747,透過TTHQ顯示,相對風險最高者為梓官油魚及梓官鮭魚,其TTHQ值皆達0.13起若要造成風險至少要再攝取7倍以上才足以造成危害。因此本次檢驗18種水產樣品在國人正常攝取量的情況下,將不會造成國人健康危害,亦不會有中毒甚至產生疾病之風險。


In recent years, the consumers awareness of food safety has increased, the different potential hazard substances in food have become more important. Among them, harmful metals in food are one of the most common hazards. Harmful metals in the environment may enter the water through improper discharge and enter the human body through the food chain. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze harmful metal in aquatic products and conduct Health Risk Assessment. The samples for this study included 9 kinds of shellfish, 5 kinds of fish, and 4 kinds of crustaceans were purchased from traditional fish markets and hypermarket. The digested samples were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrometer/inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer. The harmful metals were including copper, nickel, lead, cadmium, chromium, gallium, indium and thallium. The results of the study showed that copper is highest in Xiangshan oyster at 81.6± 18.4 mg/kg wet wt., nickel is highest in Zihguan oil fish at 4.1 0.2 mg/ kg wet wt., lead is highest in Xiangshan oyster at 0.25 ± 0.1 mg/ kg wet wt., cadmium is highest in Ziguan marsh clam at 0.04 ±0.01mg/kg wet wt., and chromium is highest in Xiangshan oyster at 0.09 ±0.05 mg/kg wet wt. In terms of rare elements in emerging technologies, gallium is the highest in Budai oyster at 0.56 mg/ kg dry wt., indium is not detected, and thallium is the highest in Budai oyster at 0.007 mg / kg dry wt. Gallium, indium, and thallium have not yet been regulated by the standards and regulations, and the concentrations of other heavy metals are following the sanitation standards for contaminants and toxins in food. In addition, the Target Hazard Quotient (THQ) value range of the hazardous metals in each sample is 0.00007-0.00541 for shellfish, 0.00114-0.13566 for fish, and 0.00004-0.00266 for crustaceans. All THQ values are less than 1. In TTHQ, the value of shellfish is 0.01324-0.12777, fish is 0.05214-0.13730, and crustacean is 0.00205-0.00747. According to TTHQ, the highest relative risks are Ziguan oil fish and Ziguan salmon, both of which have TTHQ values of 0.13. If the risk is to be caused, at least another 7 times intake is sufficient to cause harm. Therefore, the 18 samples tested not cause health hazards to the consumers, and there is no risk of poisoning or even disease when the people are in normal intake.


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