  • 學位論文


Career Planning Courses with Board Games on A Technical Arts Education Program Class

指導教授 : 吳雅玲


本研究透過個案研究,探討對個案國中之九年級技藝專班,實施桌遊融入生涯規劃課程之歷程與學習成效。該國中為屏東非山區非市區之學校,技藝專班學生相較普通班學生已提早分化學習技藝,擁有喜操作之特質,且處於亟需學習生涯規劃之生涯探索階段。於此,研究者設計12週之生涯規劃課程,透過收集訪談資料、學習單及觀察課程學習表現,以主題分析法分析質性資料。本研究結果如下: 壹、設計融入桌遊之技藝專班生涯規劃課程「生涯桌上遊樂園」 內含三大學習主軸「自我探索」、「生涯進路探索」及「生涯決策行動」,運用五款桌遊發展七個學習單元:生涯動物園、生涯列車、職涯資訊站、高校瞭望台、生涯大怒神、生涯蹺蹺板和決策大師。 貳、課程實施歷程中,學生表現投入且用心學習生涯規劃 在教學歷程裡,學生持續表現對課程內桌遊之興趣。過程中投入於探索自我及生涯資訊,透過應用程式對於學習職群知識有相當之幫助。且願意未來遭遇重大抉擇時,再次運用生涯平衡單來分析與評估。而在行動計畫學習活動中,學生對於行動目標撰寫仍不夠具體詳細。 參、學生增進對自我及生涯資訊之探索,並設立階段性行動計畫 一、「自我探索」:相較於課程實施前,學生不僅能表達個人特質,更能找出合適發展的升學或就業方向。 二、「生涯進路探索」:學生能透過網站、應用程式及職群介紹講座,收集職群與職業資訊,協助評估個人之適配性。 三、「生涯決策行動」:學生能了解個人生涯價值觀,經由生涯平衡單分析與評估其升學就業選擇,並形成階段性的行動計畫。


The purpose of this study was to explore the career planning courses with boardgames for junior high school students, in a technical arts education program class. Those students from a junior high school located at Pingtung city had more vocational education experience than normal class students and possessed personality of operation and needed career exploring. Therefore, the researcher designed career planning courses with boardgames and collected data by interviews, observation, and data analysis. The results of this study are as follows: 1.The researcher designed and implemented 12 weeks courses within 7 sessions and 5 boardgames called ‘Career Amusement Park’, which achieved three learning targets: (a)self-exploration; (b)career path exploration; (c)decision and action of career. 2.The students were eager to learn career planning and explored themselves, and they collected career information by ‘career balance worksheet’ and ‘Quizlet’. But the students’ action plans were still non-specific. 3.After the courses, the students could express more their personality and established career values. At last, they also analyzed factors which affected their further study and employment to make the action plan for near future.


白麗(2018)。為失智症患者設計之「嚴肅遊戲」-可行性與治療效果的評估。[Feasibility and effects of serious games for people with dementia: a systematic review and recommendations for future research]。福祉科技與服務管理學刊,6(1),1-15。doi:10.6283/jocsg.201804_6(1).1
