  • 學位論文


The Organisations and Systems of Educational Funding in Liudui from the Qing Dynasty to the Japanese Colonial Period of Taiwan (1761-1945)

指導教授 : 曾純純


六堆客家人重視晴耕雨讀,也重視讀書考取功名。在原鄉的粵地已有「學田」與「學谷(穀)」的傳統,這是科舉制度下獎勵後進的機制。早在清領時期六堆缺乏官方儒學等正式教育組織,地方仕紳已集資成立文宣王祀典及六堆科舉會,更有祭祀韓愈與敬字紙等崇文重教的活動。而在客家宗族裡,則是成立嘗會設立公田,以田租收入來興學、獎學。 清代臺灣南部六堆客家人因時代背景聚族而居,要在各家族與不同村庄族眾間維持聯繫及內部凝聚力,於是產生各種的制度來維持宗族的團結興盛,如成立嘗會、神明會等團體,有效保護家族經濟財產與維持宗族的社會地位。而嘗會、神明會經由眾議同意,提供經費協助辦理教育、參加科舉考試、獎勵舉業等文教活動。子弟考取功名,不但可榮宗耀祖,亦可穩固宗族的社會權力基礎,兩者相輔相成。日據時期,殖民政府推動新式學校,規定公學校經費必須由民間地方支應,六堆地區嘗會、育才公業、神明會也調整規章以資助設立各庄公學校,在日式教育體系下仍盡其可能鼓勵並推動六堆學子向上流動。 臺灣研究客家教育相關的論文比較多著重於社會文化層面與地位階級的流動,與助學獎學相關的組織和制度的研究相較之下是比較少的。本文將舉六堆客家從清領到日據時期成立助學獎學的組織及制度,並分析六堆客家人在面對世局變化,如何運用這些組織與制度持續推動子弟的教育,以作為家族在政治、社會、經濟地位的維持與延續。


六堆客家 嘗會 育才公業 神明會 書田


Liudui Hakka people value diligence in both work and study, and encourage youngsters to climb the social ladder through passing national exams. Later settling in Liudui in southern Taiwan, these Hakka, originally from Guangdong region in China, had already established a funding system before immigrating to Taiwan, such as “school land” and “community-owned grain”, to sponsor youngsters to participate in imperial examinations. In the Qing Dynasty, despite lacking state educational facilities, local gentry commonly funded educational events and organisations, including the Confucius memorial ceremony, the Liudui imperial examination foundation, the Han-Yu memorial ceremony, and similar events to pass down the custom of “respecting the words”. Hakka clans would also often set up community-owned worship associations to acquire land, the practice of which is known as “school land”. Educational activities would be funded and subsidised with revenue generated from the school land. In Qing dynasty, circumstances caused various Hakka clans to settle in Liudui. To establish mutual connections and enhance cohesiveness among these newly-settled families and villagers, communal groups, such as community-owned worship associations and religious associations, were established to ensure the sustainability of the community, financially and socially. These associations served as a financial base to support teaching facilities and to fund those participating in the imperial examinations. By possessing a successful candidate who had passed the examinations, the community could secure its social status as well as glorify its ancestors. During the Japanese colonial period, the colonial government established a modern school system in Taiwan, and required local funding to maintain state schools. Liudui Hakka utilised their community-owned associations at hand to set up state schools in the region, ensuring their youngsters were still able to access resources to support them moving upward in society, even when the Japanese educational system was introduced. Current studies of education in Hakka settlements in Taiwan are mostly related to their culture and mobility in society; however, organisations and systems to fund educational activities are relatively less explored. This study focuses on educational funding organisations and systems used by Liudui Hakka, and analyses how they utilised these resources to sustain and improve their clans’ position in politics, society and in terms of their material wealth.


