  • 學位論文


Research on Sound Absorption Characteristics of Structural Materials of Wooden Composite Perforated Plate

指導教授 : 林芳銘 馮俊豪


木質材料符合永續利用之原則為生態綠建材,因應行政院農委會林務局於2017年推動人工林國產木材利用,故本研究以國產台灣杉(Taiwania cryptomerioides Hayata, Taiwania)穿孔板為探討對象,應用開孔率5%之台灣杉穿孔板作為表面材,以平鋪、架高構造方式,結合不同密度、厚度之玻璃棉及發泡材料,探討其吸音特性。實驗於國立屏東科技大學聲學實驗室,依據CNS 9056規範之迴響室A型安裝法進行,採用符合標準之試體面積12.95(±0.05)m2測定,並依照CNS 15218及ASTM C423評定吸音量。 研究結果顯示,台灣杉穿孔板架高空氣層變化對頻率400~800 Hz吸音性能之影響較為顯著。穿孔板作為面板,結合玻璃棉後可於215~630 Hz中低頻有效吸音;結合發泡材料則於1000 Hz高頻有效吸音,隨空氣層增加更提升低頻160 Hz之吸音性能。台灣杉複合式穿孔板構材,因穿孔構造可呈現表面材共鳴器型與填充吸音材料多孔質型之吸音特性,故具有吸音頻率調整功能,研究成果可作為後續室內聲學應用之參考依據。


台灣杉 吸音材料 室內聲學


Wood material is one of the ecological green building materials. It is conformed with the principle of sustainable utilization. In responded to the Forestry Bureau, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan promotion of the used of domestic timber from plantations in 2017. This research was taken the domestic Taiwania (Taiwania cryptomerioides Hayata) perforated plate as the object of discussion. The Taiwania perforated plate with an opening rate of 5% was used as surface material. In the way of tiled and elevated structure, it was combined different densities & thickness of glass wool and foam materials, to explore the sound absorption properties of this structure. The sound absorption experiment was carried out in accordance with the CNS 9056 specification choice type A installation method in reverberant room of National Pingtung University of Science and Technology. The standards-compliant area of this study was 12.95 (±0.05) m2 according with CNS 9056. The rating of sound absorption was evaluated in accordance with CNS 15218 & ASTM C423. The results showed that the change of air layer has a significant effect on the sound absorption performance of Taiwania perforated plate at frequencies of 400 to 800 Hz. Taiwania perforated plate as surface material combined with glass wool, it can effectively absorb the sound at the medium and low frequency of 215 to 630 Hz, while filling foam material can effectively absorb the sound at the high frequency of 1000 Hz. With the increase of air layer, it can improve the sound absorbing coefficient at the low frequency of 160 Hz. Because the perforated structure of Taiwania composite perforated plate can present the sound absorption characteristics of surface material resonance type and filled sound absorptive material multi hole type, it has the function of sound absorbing frequency adjustment. The results can be used as a reference for subsequent room acoustic applications.


Taiwania Absorptive material Room acoustics


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