  • 學位論文


The Investigation Study on the Supervisory Mechanism for the Piomotion of the Public Construction Industry

指導教授 : 丁澈士


中文摘要 論文摘要內容: 首先以戴明的PDCA循環理論闡明公共工程施工品質管理制度三級品管之工作精髓,說明營造廠為因應目前公共工程查核作業,工程進行著重於精細的文書作業,對於現場的工程施工步驟及方法,有著以文書表報為主的錯誤機制。其次根據內政部歷年來的工程施工查核案件,將查核最常見的缺失與分數的平均落點作分析,並對其缺失提出一些改進的方法與建議。 依據營造業法之規定,營造廠商的施工品質與營造業分等有著密不可分的關係,而查核機制的分數則是營造廠品質優劣的最佳表現方式,將探討營造業分等與升等評鑑之方式與施工查核機制之關係,並整理出因應查核作業以不遭扣點為原則之文書作業模式,可供營造廠商作為參考。 將近年來營造業的發展分析以蒐集資料的方式,說明目前營造業的家數是有緩慢成長的趨勢,凸顯出國內申請營造業的審核過程是非常容易的,但依據營造業法第7條丙等營造業以上需置一專任工程人員營造業者應置有一人以上專任工程人員(現行包括技師、建築師),但是目前的做法是通常是為了節省人事成本,僅支付租借牌照費用,而不須負擔專任薪資,故聘用符合資格,但實際上並未在其營造廠中任職者擔任專任人員。像這樣沒有在營造廠參與工地事務的專任工程人員、工地主任、品管工程師及職安人員不在少數,本研究將探討這樣的工程生態,對於工程品質及查核機制只是流於形式,卻無實際與實質之作用,唯有催生符合目前國內工程生態的營造業相關法規,有賴政府制定完整法規,再配合教育,才能收到功效。


Abstract The Contents of Abstract in this Thesis: Firstly Deming's PDCA cycle theory to clarify the essence of public construction work quality management system of quality control of the three described plant to cope with the current public works to create jobs check, the works focus on the fine paperwork, for engineering and site construction steps the method has the potential to rule-based instruments in statement. Secondly, over the years, according to the Interior Ministry to check the case of construction, it will check the most common placement Lack average score for analysis and make some recommendations to improve the methods and their missing. Construction industry under the provisions of Law, and create a vendor evaluation construction quality and has a close relationship, but the score is to create a mechanism to check the quality of the merits of the optimal plant expression, will explore the construction industry evaluation of the way Check out the mechanism of the relationship between construction and should check the job sorted out due to not being the point deduction for the principle mode of operation of the instruments available to create a vendor as a reference.


1. 楊宗哲(2006)營造業評鑑制度對政府採購廠商評選之影響,碩士論文,國立中央大學,土木工程研究所,桃園。
2. 行政院公共工程委員會(1993)公共工程施工品質管理制度之理念與導入。
3. 陳永增、鄧惠源(2011)非破壞檢測(第四版)
