  • 學位論文


An Investigation on Roughness of Hole by Milling and Boring for Combination of Optimum Parameters by Taguchi Method

指導教授 : 簡文通


本研究是利用立式銑削加工中心機對Al 6061-T6進行銑削及搪孔加工,探討孔之表面粗糙度特性並尋求其最佳化參數。研究流程包括實驗架構及單一目標品質之參數最佳化分析,利用田口法直交表規劃實驗配置,選用切削速度、每刃切削量、切削深度為銑削和搪孔加工之參數,並以中心線平均表面粗糙度(Ra)為量測對象,實驗結果以田口法分析設為各單一目標品質,並求取其加工參數之最佳組合。結果顯示在單一目標品質最佳參數分析中,可分別得到銑削時中心線平均表面粗糙度最佳值為0.2412μm,搪孔時中心線平均表面粗糙度為最佳值 0.2654μm。同時推論出利用立式銑削加工中心機對於圓孔加工時銑削較搪孔能達到更佳之表面粗糙度。本研究對於銑削於孔和搪孔時對單一目標品質參數最佳化之探討,可做為相關加工或研究的參考。


In this research, the Al 6061-T6 was milled and bored by a vertical milling machine center. We investigate the surface roughness characteristics of the holes and optimal parameters. The research process includes the experimental architecture and the optimization of the single target quality. The experimental configuration is used the orthogonal array of Taguchi method, and the cutting speed, the cutting amount of workpiece per cutting edge, and the depth of cut are the cutting parameters when milling and boring. Moreover the measurement of average roughness value(Ra) is the target, and the experimental results were analyzed by the Taguchi method to set the quality of single target.And we to obtain the best combination of the machining. The results show that in the single target quality best parameters analysis, the average surface roughness during milling can be 0.2412μm, and the average surface roughness boring is 0.2654μm. At the same time, it is pushed out that the vertical milling machine center can achieve better surface roughness when milling the circular hole. This research that investigating the optimization of single target quality when milling holes and boreing can be used as a reference for related processing or research.


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