  • 學位論文


Web Content Analysis of Food and Beverage Industry

指導教授 : 蔡玉娟




In modern days, because of the increasing usage of internet, we can use our smart phone surfing through the net whenever we want. For catering, otherwise then the typical mode of advertisement on TV to wide its reputation, we can also have all gourmet by the way of delivery, and internet is a gorgeous tool for marketing. By designing a high-quality website to run online marketing, a company can increase its reputation and performance. This thesis investigates the building of websites of catering, and resume critical items that should be included. By caparing and analysing websites of diffrent areas in Asia, the result is as follows:(1)Modern design is most likely to use high-definition photos ,card-style typesetting. (2) Apart from the basic information like phone number, address and menu, most of siteowners put their community link to wide their reknown. (3) Comunication between owner and costumer is still more likely to be one-by-one style. Analysis of websites provide owners as future reference in part of infrastructure, interface, functions and contents. Keywords: Catering, Restaurent, Content Analysis, Contents of Website


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