  • 學位論文


Research on Keys to Successful Management of Rendering Plants Located in Pingtung County of Taiwan

指導教授 : 蔡正發


化製屬於畜牧廢棄物再利用程序之一,原料來源包括禽畜牧養殖場之斃死禽畜、屠宰場下腳料、冷凍食品加工廠動物性廢渣等,經粉碎、蒸煮、壓榨等過程,製成肉骨粉、油脂等,供動物飼料用。 中小企業在台灣經濟發展上有顯著貢獻,不但創造就業機會也在其他附加價值上有可觀的表現。以化製場來說,廢棄物再利用是循環經濟之一環,將原會產生環保及疫病傳播的廢棄物資源化,但其程序也產生廢水及異味排放等環保問題,必須設置有效除臭設施來解決此問題,以免鄰近居民陳請。本行業為社會解決污染問題,也期盼取得政府相關資源的協助以得永續經營及發展。 本研究以目前位於屏東縣之三家化製廠為對象,以層級分析法(The Analytic Hierarchy Processes,簡稱AHPs)及專家問卷分析法,探討化製廠經營所面臨的問題及關鍵成功因素的權重及排序位階,經由AHP分析各研究構面較重要之關鍵因素,再依權重加以排序,得到污染防治設備之配置完善此項關鍵成功因素為最重要,相對權值為0.246845,其次為輔導措施完善,相對權值為0.117667,以提供經營者經營策略之參考。


The chemical system is one of the procedures for the reuse of livestock waste. The raw materials include dead pigs in livestock and livestock farms, scraps from slaughterhouses, animal wastes from frozen food processing plants, etc., which are processed by crushing, cooking and pressing. Bone meal, oil, etc., for animal feed. SMEs have made significant contributions to Taiwan's economic development, and not only create jobs but also have significant performance in other added value. In the chemical industry, waste recycling is one of the circular economy, recycling wastes that would have been environmentally friendly and spread, but the procedures also generate environmental problems such as waste water and odor emissions, and effective deodorization facilities must be installed. To solve this problem, so as to avoid neighboring residents. The industry solves pollution problems for the society and hopes to obtain assistance from relevant government resources for sustainable operation and development. This study uses the Analytic Hierarchy Processes (AHPs) and expert questionnaire analysis methods to explore the problems faced by the chemical plant management and the key success factors of the three chemical plants currently located in Pingtung County. And sorting the ranks, analyze the key factors of each research facet by AHP, and then sort according to the weights, get the configuration of pollution prevention equipment. This key success factor is the most important, the relative weight is 0.246845, followed by the improvement of counseling measures. The relative weight is 0.117667 to provide a reference for the operator's business strategy.


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