  • 學位論文


To Investigate the Impact of Equity and Organizational Commitment on National Primary School Teachers' Willingness to Retire under New Retirement Policy

指導教授 : 陳灯能


政府為解決公教退休撫卹基金日益嚴重的收支缺口,特於民國105年6月成立國家年金改革委員會針對公教人員提出新的退休年金法案,故改革後退休新制的公平性立即成為公教人員甚為關注的重點。本研究旨在探討國民小學教師對改革後退休新制的公平認知、組織承諾與退休意願間的影響關連性,主要係探討退休新制公平認知是否影響教師工作士氣,進而影響其退休意願;同時亦對教師組織承諾對教師工作士氣、退休意願之影響進行研究。 研究對象以高雄市所屬公立國民小學現職專任教師為主,共收集有效樣本計403份,並利用SPSS 22.0與Smart PLS 3.0 進行資料分析。實證研究結果顯示,本市公立國小教師對於退休新制的公平認知與組織承諾對工作士氣均具有顯著正向影響;退休新制的公平認知、工作士氣對退休意願均具有顯著負向影響,而組織承諾對退休意願具有負向影響,尤其公平認知對退休意願的負向影響最大,亦即教師們認為退休金制度愈公平的話則會有效的降低退休意願,此研究結果將可提供政府相關單位推動退休年金制度改革政策時之參考。


In order to solve the problem of the funding gap of the civil servant and education personnel retirement pension funds, the government established the National Pension Reform Commission in June 2016 to propose a new retirement annuity bill for civil servants and education personnel. Therefore, the fairness of the new system of retirement after the reform immediately became the focus of civil servants and education personnel. The purpose of this research is to explore the relationships among fairness cognition, organizational commitment, and retirement intention of national elementary school teachers in the new retirement system. It mainly discusses whether the fairness cognition of the new retirement system affects the morale of teachers' work and thus their willingness to retire. At the same time, it also studies the impact of organizational commitment on teacher morale and retirement intentions. The research subjects are mainly full-time teachers of national elementary school teachers affiliated to Kaohsiung City. A total of 403 valid samples were collected, and the data were analyzed by SPSS 22.0 and Smart PLS 3.0. The results show that fairness cognition and organizational commitment have a positive impact on work morale significantly. The fairness cognition and work morale have significant negative effects on retirement intentions, and organizational commitment has a negative impact on retirement intentions. Among them, fairness cognition has the most significant negative impact on retirement intentions, that is, teachers believe that the more fair the pension system, the more effective it will be to reduce retirement intention. The research results provide a reference for relevant government agencies to reform of the retirement annuity system.


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