  • 學位論文


A Study of Service Failure, Service Recovery, and Customer Satisfaction in Refrigerated Containers Transportation.

指導教授 : 趙雨潔


航運業是跨國的國際運輸服務,其中冷凍貨櫃運輸是航商專業且具有相當技術性的業務。冷凍貨櫃運輸之運費為乾貨貨櫃的三到五倍不等,且為寡佔市場,因此各航商近年來均積極發展冷凍貨櫃業務(方信雄,2019)。在服務業,服務疏失的發生是無法完全避免(Goodwin and Ross,1992)。而服務業吸引一位新客戶所花費的成本,約是維繫一個現有的老顧客五倍之多(Desatnick,1992)。因此,當冷凍貨櫃運送過程中產生服務疏失時,服務補救措施會影響顧客滿意度。本研究將探討服務疏失類型及服務補救措施對服務補救滿意度對顧客滿意度之影響,以及不同人口統計變項對服務補救滿意度、顧客滿意度之關係。 研究結果發現:冷凍貨櫃運輸以船期延誤、設備品質不良、貨損為主要服務疏失類型;各服務疏失類型對服務補救滿意度與顧客滿意度無明顯差異;冷凍貨櫃運輸的補救措施主要有保險理賠、延長免費期、金錢補償等措施,各服務補救措施對服務補救滿意度與顧客滿意度有明顯差異,探討出有補救措施明顯比未處理滿意度好;顧客對於航商的服務補救態度,快速解決問題及有禮貌性對待是受測者較在意的,對於精神上補償及補救措施可彌補服務疏失較為不認同,冷凍貨櫃運輸的服務補救態度及服務補救滿意度對顧客滿意度之影響有正向顯著,不同的人口統計變項對冷凍貨櫃運輸之服務補救的滿意度則是無明顯差異。


Commercial shipping services are some of the most popular options for businesses to transport their goods around the world. Refrigerated containers are the most professional and technical services offered by shipping companies (Fang Xinxiong, 2019). The shipping fares for reefer container services are three to five times more expensive than dry container services (Desatnick, 1992). Reefer container services also exist in an oligopolistic market, and therefore many shipping companies actively push to develop their own reefer container businesses. It is difficult to avoid some level of service failure in a service industry (Goodwin and Ross, 1992). Compared to retaining an existing customer, a company needs to exert five times more effort when sourcing new customers. Therefore, service quality and also recovery in the event of failure are crucial considerations for any shipping business if customer satisfaction is to be maintained. This research explores two areas. First, the types of service failure and the recovery approaches employed to address them; second, customer satisfaction with service recovery. The second area focuses on the relationship between the impact of population variables on overall satisfaction levels such as age, gender, education level and their recovery in relation to the satisfaction with service recovery and customer satisfaction. Several key types of service failure exist. These include the delay of reefer container services and their delivery, poor equipment quality, and damage done to goods. According to the data, there is no significant difference among all types of service failures in regard to customers’ satisfaction with service recovery. The main methods of reefer container service recovery are: insurance refunding, extending the loading period, and service refunding. Service recovery approaches have significant impacts in regard to customers’ satisfaction with service recovery. Therefore, the result shows customers have a high level of overall satisfaction compared to the companies that do not offer customers service recovery. Customers care first and foremost about a business’ service recovery attitude, and how efficiently it can manage and solve service problems. The data also indicates that customers do not respond positively when only apologies and excuses for service failures are offered by shipping companies. However, the results show a strong, positive correlation between reefer container service recovery offers and customer satisfaction. The impact of population variables on overall satisfaction levels such as age, gender, education level, and the length of time the customers use the reefer container service is relatively low.


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