  • 學位論文

探討規律運動行為與特定疾病篩檢健康信念之相關 —以職場女性之乳癌篩檢為例

Explore the relationship between regular exercise behavior and health beliefs in screening for specific diseases—Taking breast cancer screening for women in the workplace as an example

指導教授 : 徐錦興


摘 要 學號:N10864002 論文名稱:探討規律運動行為與特定疾病篩檢健康信念之相關 —以職場女性之乳癌篩檢為例 總頁數:79頁 學校名稱:國立屏東科技大學 系(所)別:休閒運動健康系研究所 畢業時間及摘要別:110學年度第1學期 碩士學位論文摘要 研究生:黃麟喧 指導教授:徐錦興 博士 論文摘要: 背景:健康信念模式(Health Belief Model)是一套用以解釋與預測個體健康行為的理論,其構面包含對個體對特定疾病認知、行為意圖與自我效能。研究者假設對特定疾病之健康信念強度越高,不僅在此健康行為上有所固著,亦可預測在日常保健行為之強度。目的:本研究主要在探討職場婦女規律運動行為與對特定疾病篩檢行為之健康信念的對應關係。方法:以南部某醫院之醫護工作人員295人為研究對象,並以自編之乳癌篩檢健康信念量表為工具。經預試分析,本量表可由六項子構面組成;累積總解釋變異量為74.42%,整體Cronbcah’s α=.81。結果:53.2%職場女性自述目前並無運動行為,主要的原因分別是「不喜歡運動」及「沒有時間」;有運動行為者之比例為46.8%,「維持健康、避免疾病」是從事運動的主因。自述有運動行為者,其乳癌篩檢健康信念中的「自我效能」、「行動線索」兩構面分數均顯著高於無運動行為者。在自述有運動行為之研究對象中,「自覺阻礙」與運動強度、「自覺罹病嚴重性」與運動頻率呈現顯著低度正相關 (spearman’s rho=0.14 & 0.15, p<.05)。結論:研究結果證實,以職場婦女在乳癌篩檢的健康信念為例,其信念強度與運動行為之有無確實有關;規律運動行為與否在其他疾病之健康信念上有調節功能,有待進一步研究加以確認。 關鍵詞:健康信念模式、乳癌篩檢、運動行為。


Abstract Student ID: N10864002 Title of Thesis: Explore the relationship between regular exercise behavior and health beliefs in screening for specific diseases—Taking breast cancer screening for women in the workplace as an example Total Pages: 79 pages National Pingtung University of Science and Technology Graduate Institute: Department of Recreational Sport and Health Promotion Date of Graduation: December, 2021 Degree Conferred: Master Degree Name of Student: Lin-Hsuan Huang Advisor: Dr. Chin-Hsing Hsu Abstract: Background: The Health Belief Model (HBM) is a method that we use to try and predict individuals’ health behaviors. The key constructs of the health belief model are identified as perceived susceptibility and perceived severity, and perceived benefits and perceived barriers. The researcher hypothesized that the higher health belief on a particular disease could predict one’s health behavior. Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between regular exercise behaviors and the health beliefs on breast cancer screening. Method: 295 subjects from a hospital in Kaohsiung City participated in this study. The questionnaire of health belief model for breast cancer was developed by the researcher. Regarding to the reliability and validity of the questionnaire, the cumulative total explained variation is 74.42%, and the overall Cronbcah’s α=.81. Result: 53.2% of subjects reported that they didn’t exercise currently, because they ‘were dislike exercise’ and ‘no time to do workout’. The proportion of those who exercise regularly is 46.8%, with the main reason of ‘to maintain health and to avoid the threat of diseases’. Results indicated that those who reported exercise regularly were significantly higher than those didn’t in the dimension of ‘self-efficacy’ and ‘cue to action’ of health belief in this study. Additionally, there was a positive and significant relationship between ‘perceived barriers’ and ‘exercise intensity’, as well as on the ‘perceived seriousness’ and exercise frequency (spearman’s rho=0.14 & 0.15, p<.05). Conclusion: The results of the study testified the hypothesis of health belief model and health care behavior, which was inferred from breast cancer screening and exercise behavior. The role of intension to exercise among middle aged women will need more studies to verify. Key words: Health Belief Model, breast cancer screening, exercise behavior.


