  • 學位論文


Using On-Line Analytical Processing and Data Mining to Support Decision Making for Customer Relationship Management – Taking a Case Study of H Company as Example

指導教授 : 蔡正發


隨著人類文明日益進步及各種天然資源迅速減少之狀況下,水資源循環的再生利用,也就更顯得格外重要。而「泵浦」是輔助水資源循環再生利用系統中很重要的角色,它協助人們可以更快速且方便地使用水資源,也能幫助使用後之污水輸送及處理。新興國家由於基礎設施快速發展下,對於水泵之需求也不斷增加,而發展中國家的人們也愈來愈依賴地下水,對於農業灌溉、漁業養殖用水,更是需要使用水泵。另外工業發展而產生的污廢水,因政府對污水處理嚴苛的要求,更將進一步帶動泵浦市場之成長。 以本研究個案企業現行使用之 SAP ERP 系統為範疇,透過系統作業取得銷售訂單相關資料,再運用資料倉儲、線上分析處理與資料探勘技術,以科學化、系統化、有效化的工具進行分析,建構個案企業之顧客關係管理決策模式。 透過決策模式以利本研究個案企業經營者、營業單位主管,更精確地明瞭產品市場概況、顧客貢獻度、訂單銷售比率等,以制訂目標客戶的顧客關係管理決策,並找出「主要」及「潛在」的客戶群,來鞏固及提昇主要客戶的訂單量,並對潛在客戶訂單的開發決策加以應用,期能維持在同業及未來競爭力之提昇。


With the progress of human civilization and the rapid decline of various natural resources, the recycling of water resources is particularly important. The "pump" plays an important role in the auxiliary water resources recycling system, which helps people to use water resources more quickly and conveniently and helps the transportation and treatment of sewage after using as well. With the rapid development of infrastructure in emerging countries, the demand for water pumps is increasing accordingly, while people in developing countries become more and more dependent on groundwater, especially for agricultural irrigation and aquaculture. In addition, the sewage produced by industrial development will further drive the growth of the pump market significantly due to the strict requirements of the government on sewage treatment.   In this study, the SAP ERP system currently used by the specific enterprise is taken as the research subject, the sales order related data are obtained through system operation, and then the Data Warehouse, On-Line Analytical Processing and Data Mining are used to analyze with scientific, systematic, and effective tools; then the customer relationship management decision-making mode of the case enterprises is constructed. Through the decision-making model, it is beneficial to the enterprise operators and business development managers of this study case to have more accurate insight to the product market profile, customer contribution, order sales ratio, etc., so as to make customer relationship management decisions of target customers, find out "major" and "potential" customer groups, consolidate and enhance the order quantity of major customers, and apply the development decisions of potential customers' orders, so as to maintain the continuous competitive advantages to other competitors in the same industry and in the future.


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