  • 學位論文

義工參與動機、社會支持及工作滿意度之研究 -以佛光山屏東地區義工為例

The research of volunteer participation motivation, social support and job satisfaction-Take the volunteers in Pingtung area of Fo Guang Shan as an example

指導教授 : 黃怡詔


由於環境的變遷與科技不斷的進步,現代人的壓力也越來越大,就開始尋找放鬆心靈的方式,佛教義工活動是一個可以降低壓力,利人又利己的方式,義工參與動機漸漸地受到重視,本研究以SPSS 統計軟體系統實施資料歸納分析,了解佛光山以屏東地區義工參與佛教義工活動上的參與動機、社會支持及工作滿意度。依據研究目的及文獻探討,修訂編製研究問卷,發放給屏東講堂及潮州講堂義工填寫,共發放150份,計回收130份問卷,分析結果顯示佛光會義工喜歡參與宗教法會,但對擔任宗教義工能讓我學習待人處事的技巧及喜歡參與佛教相關研習營部分認同感較低、執行義工工作時碰到問題多會尋求義工夥伴幫忙,家人支持,支持量表多數認同較低及重視對於能讓其被服務人及其管理者讚美,但對義工服務過程讓我有被受到尊重的感覺認同感較低等結論。建議單位廣邀年輕族群及其家人或朋友一起參加活動,讓各項活動更加有朝氣與活力,亦能達到經驗傳承的效果,讓義工們的家庭更美滿,研究結果提供單位參考,以使在辦理活動更圓滿,單位得以永續經營,達到社會更和諧的目標。


Due to the changes in the environment and the continuous advancement of technology, modern people are under increasing pressure, and they have begun to find the ways to relax their souls. Buddhist volunteer activities are a way to reduce stress, benefit others and themselves. Volunteers' motivation of participation has gradually been taken account to it. This study uses SPSS statistical software system implementation data to summarize and analyze the participants’ motivation, social support and job satisfaction of volunteers from Fo Guang Shan in Pingtung to participate in Buddhist volunteer activities. Based on the research purpose and literature research, the research questionnaire was revised and distributed to the volunteers of the Pingtung Lecture Hall and Chaozhou Lecture Hall to fill out. A total of 150 copies were distributed, and 130 questionnaires were collected. Volunteers allow me to learn the skills of dealing with others and like to participate in Buddhist-related seminars. Part of the sense of identity is low, and I often encounter problems when performing volunteer work. I will seek help from volunteer partners, family members, and support scales. Most of the support scales have low recognition and focus on ability. Let him be praised by the servants and their managers, but I feel respected by the volunteer service process and I have a lower sense of identity. It is recommended that the unit invite young people and their family members or friends to participate in activities to make the activities more vigorous and energetic, and to achieve the effect of passing on experience, so that the families of the volunteers are more happy. The research results provide the unit for reference. The handling activities are more complete, the unit can continue to operate, and achieve the goal of a more harmonious society.


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