  • 學位論文


The Influence of Positive Discipline on Elementary School Students' Reading Learning Attitude-- A Case of After-school Tutorial Class

指導教授 : 鍾鳳嬌


正向教養對學生學習成長的影響,相較於台灣過往的填鴨式教育只能教出考試機器,正向教養較能激發孩子學習興致、創造能力與表達能力,正向教養基礎在於幫助孩子在學習上能感到歸屬感和價值感受(情感連結),其鼓勵的力量可以讓學習有效率,而熱情學習才能真正做到快樂學習提升學習態度。因此,正向教養也是一種適性教育,如果操作得宜,可以激發學生的善念與正向的力量,不但可以學得好,而且可以學會負責任的態度。正向教養也可以訓練表達、溝通與團隊合作等能力,能夠言之有物的表達自己的想法,也能聆聽別人的想法,溝通能力自然就增強了。 本研究以國小三年級三位學童為研究對象,探討正向教養對學生閱讀學習態度之影響。在教學活動前、中、後以關鍵圖片預測、大聲朗讀、學習單視覺表徵三個策略,進行十週的閱讀教學策略方案。研究者並以教學活動中的觀察記錄、學生作品、省思札記等各種資料,進行質性資料分析。內容研究結果得知,正向教養促進學生學習參與感,提升課堂討論、分享、發表、練習等行為,讓學童願意學習也懂得尊重,的確有助於提升學生閱讀認知能力與改善學習態度。研究者根據研究成果加以討論並提出建議,以供教學者實施正向教養及日後研究者參考。


正向教養 閱讀 學習態度


The influence of positive education on students' learning and growth that compared with the past Spoon-feeding education in Taiwan, can only teach student to become the machines that know how to take a test. Positive education can stimulate children's interest in learning, creativity and expression that the basis of it is to help children feel a sense of belonging and value in learning (emotional connection), meanwhile, its powerful of encouragement to students can strengthen them in learning. Moreover, enthusiastic learning can truly feel delightful and improve learning attitude. Therefore, positive education is also a kind of appropriate education, if it is operated properly, it can stimulate students' kind thoughts and positive power. Not only can students learn well, but they can also learn to be responsible. Positive education can also train the ability to express, communicate, and work in a team for students. Let students can express their own ideas in a meaningful way and listen to the ideas of others, therefore their communication skills will naturally increase. This research invites three students in the third grade of elementary school as the research objects to explore the influence of positive education on students' learning attitude towards Chinese reading. Before, during and after the teaching activity, use key picture prediction, read aloud, and study list to represent the three strategies respectively, those carry out a ten-week reading teaching plan. Researchers also use various materials such as observation records, student works, and thoughtful notes in teaching activities to conduct qualitative data analysis. The research results show that positive education promotes students' sense of participation in learning, enhances classroom discussion, sharing, oral presentation, practice and other behaviors, so that students are willing to learn and respect. Obviously, it is indeed helpful to enhance students' reading cognitive ability and improve their learning attitude. Researchers discuss and make suggestions based on the research results for teachers to implement positive education and future researchers' reference.


