  • 學位論文

防治德國蟑螂, Blatella germanica L.和美洲蟑螂, Periplaneta americana L. (蜚蠊科) 新型硼酸餌劑與丁香油之開發

Development of a new boric acid gel bait and clove oil against German cockroach, Blatella germanica L. and American cockroach, Periplaneta americana L. (Blattodea: Blattellidae)

指導教授 : 鄭達智


作為人類棲息地的害蟲,德國蟑螂(Blatella germanica L)和美洲蟑螂(Periplaneta americana L)遍布世界各地。德國蟑螂對用於其族群管理的化學藥劑和凝膠誘餌產生了抗性。同樣,某些膠餌對控制美洲蟑螂的效果較差。為了確定防治蟑螂的替代方法,已經對德國的蟑螂進行了多種精油及其成分殺蟲效果(防治效果)的測試。然而,丁香芽粉、丁香油及其成分的殺蟲活性尚未得到測試。目前尚無任何研究來確定丁香芽粉,油及其成分對德國蟑螂的防治作用。 因此,在實驗室條件下,評估了丁香芽粉、丁香油及其主要成分丁子香酚和乙酸丁子香酚的接觸毒性和對成年德國蟑螂的驅避性。在處理後6個小時(HAT), 丁香芽粉以30 mg / cm2的劑量殺死92%的德國蟑螂。同樣,丁香油,丁香酚和乙酸丁子香酚分別以4.00 ml/cm2施用,分別在24 HAT、6 HAT和24 HAT時導致德國蟑螂死亡率95%,85%和87%。在2.0 ml/cm2濃度下,丁香花蕾油可在30分鐘內驅除80%的德國蟑螂。相反,丁香酚和乙酸丁香酚在0.5 HAT時分別驅除1.0 ml /cm2和2.5 ml / cm2的85%。 誘餌的應用是防治蟑螂族群的常用方法。與其他控制方法(例如廣泛施藥和噴霧)相比,誘餌提供了更具專一性的方法,且所需的用量更少,毒素的易位性也較低。儘管誘餌配方有效,但德國蟑螂會產生抗藥性,反胃味,並且誘餌老化會降低藥效和吸引力。因此,開發一種有效的、毒性較小的、可耐受環境壓力的經濟誘餌,以對抗德國蟑螂是非常重要的。另一項研究以確定配製凝膠餌的最適硼酸濃度,並測量其成年德國蟑螂的直接效力和通過同類相食有效成分的水平轉移(多米諾效應)。製備了三種實驗室製備的硼酸誘餌,實驗室誘餌A(40%BA),實驗室誘餌B(20% BA),實驗室誘餌C(10% BA)並針對德國蟑螂進行了測試。在經過三個測試,與其他實驗室誘餌相比,實驗室誘餌A顯著提高了蟑螂死亡率,並降低了半致死時間(LT50)。與商業誘餌相比,實驗室誘餌A和商業BA誘餌之間的誘餌消耗量和檢測時間沒有顯著差異。同樣,實驗室誘餌A引起的蟑螂死亡率等於商業BA誘餌引起的蟑螂死亡率。由實驗室誘餌A轉移的BA殺死的誘餌未餵養成年蟑螂的百分率(繼發性死亡)顯著高於商業BA誘餌和氟蟲腈誘餌所致。 同樣,在實驗室條件下,測試了台灣本地市場上可獲得的三種商業凝膠誘餌,益達胺(Imidacloprid) 3.0%,芬普尼(Fipronil) 0.05%,陶斯松(Chlorpyrifos) 1.0%,以控制美洲蟑螂。與吡蟲啉和毒死相比,檢測到的氟蟲腈誘餌的速度明顯快於毒死,並且消耗的量明顯多於吡蟲啉和毒死。吡蟲啉誘餌比氟蟲腈和毒死 誘餌迅速殺死了50%的測試蟑螂(LT50,4.64小時)。此外,Chlorpyrifos 殺死50%被測蟑螂的速度要快於氟蟲腈。丁香芽粉,油,丁子香酚和乙酸丁子香酚可能是管理德國蟑螂的環保工具。因此,新開發的實驗室誘餌A可能對環境有效且安全,可防治德國蟑螂。對於防治美國蟑螂,吡蟲啉誘餌在實驗室條件下比氟蟲腈和chlorpyrifos誘餌更有效。


The German cockroach (Blatella germanica L.) and the American cockroach (Periplaneta americana L.), invasive pests of human environments, have worldwide distribution. German cockroach has developed resistance on chemical pesticides in the form of gel baits that were used for the control of their populations. Likewise, some gel baits were less effective for controlling American cockroaches. Several essential oils and their constituents were tested to determine alternative method of German cockroach control; however, there are no any research conducted to determine the insecticidal properties of clove bud powder, bud essential oil, and essential oil constituents for the control of German cockroaches. Thus, the contact toxicity and repellency activities of clove bud powder, oil, and major constituents, eugenol and eugenol acetate were tested on adult German cockroaches under laboratory conditions. At 6 hours after treatment (HAT), the clove bud powder produced 92% mortality on German cockroaches applied at 30 mg/cm2. Similarly, when applied at 4.00 ml/cm2, the clove bud oil, eugenol, and eugenol acetate killed 95%, 85%, and 87% of German cockroaches at 24, 6, and 24 HAT, respectively. Clove bud oil applied at 2.0 ml/cm2 produced 80% repellency in German cockroaches at 0.5 HAT, whereas, 85% repellency were produced by eugenol and eugenol acetate at 1.0 ml/cm2 and 2.5 ml/cm2, respectively, on the same time. Bait application is a common method of controlling cockroach population. Compared to other method of control such as broadcast and spray, bait offer a more targeted approach and less amount of active ingredient is required for the control. Moreover, the toxins contain in the bait are less translocate. Although, bait formulations are effective, the German cockroaches developed resistance and taste aversion. Therefore, it is important to develop an efficient, less toxic to the non-target organism, environmental stress tolerant and economic bait against German cockroaches. Thus, this study was executed to determine the most effective concentration of Boric Acid (BA) i gel bait and identify its horizontal toxicity through necrophagy in the tested German cockroaches (domino effect). Lab bait A (40% BA), lab bait B (20%), lab bait C (10%) that contain boric acid and prepared in laboratory were tested against German cockroach. Among three-tested lab baits, lab bait A killed significantly greater number of German cockroaches. Moreover, the lethal time (LT50) value of lab bait A was lower than other tested lab baits. Whereas, the mortality caused by lab bait A and the commercial BA were the same. The bait consumed amount and detection time of lab bait A and commercial BA baits were statistically insignificant. Adult cockroaches mortality (secondary mortality) caused by horizontally transferred BA from lab bait A (feeding the cockroaches killed after consuming lab bait A) was significantly greater than the mortality produced by commercial BA bait and fipronil bait. Likewise, the efficacy (preference and toxicity) of three commercial gel baits imidacloprid 3.0%, fipronil 0.05%, and chlorpyrifos 1.0% available in local market of Taiwan were tested to control American cockroaches under laboratory conditions. Fipronil bait detected significantly faster than chlorpyrifos and consumed significantly greater amount than imidacloprid and chlorpyrifos. Imidacloprid bait quickly killed the 50% of the tested cockroaches (LT50, 4.64 h) than fipronil and chlorpyrifos bait. Moreover, chlorpyrifos killed the 50% of tested cockroaches faster than fipronil. Thus, clove bud power, oil, eugenol, and eugenol acetate could be environmentally safe tool for controlling German cockroach. Likewise, the newly developed lab bait A could be effective and safe to the environment to control German cockroach. For controlling American cockroaches, imidacloprid bait was more effective than fipronil and chlorpyrifos baits under laboratory conditions.


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