  • 學位論文


Development of lemon functional products

指導教授 : 陳又嘉 朱永麟


檸檬,是藥用價值極高的水果。含有豐富營養物質,如維生素C、礦物質、類黃酮等等不勝枚舉,具有消炎作用、防癌抗癌、降三高、養顏美容等多種功效;果皮之油囊中富含精油及許多生物活性化合物,其中以檸檬烯(Limonene)含量最多,對人體有不凡的保健功效與營養價值。屏東檸檬種植面積1,853公頃,約占全台70%產量,為全台之冠。每年的7-10月夏季檸檬產量過盛,榨汁讓消費者更加容易食用,雖可紓解當下檸檬盛產壓力,但榨完之後的檸檬皮亦是環保的議題之一,如未立即處理,發酵速度極快,臭味蔓延且腐蝕地板,也不能任意傾倒,若能及時將檸檬皮加工,研發機能性產品,不僅解決檸檬皮廢棄物的問題,提升檸檬皮附加價值。檸檬具有良好的營養和藥用價值,其含多種活性物已被證實具調降血脂、血糖及抗癌作用,可多層次的加工成機能性產品,藥用原料開發與應用其所帶來的附加價值,對產業升級、食品工業開發和利用具有重要意義和經濟價值。一將果皮轉化為環保清潔劑,二將調製成茶飲,三將其乾燥後進行粉碎做為原物料委由生技廠製作青檸舒服貼及青檸膏等產品為主。本次研究成果證實在保存各類檸檬皮揮發性成分上,出乎意料的發現,耗費昂貴成本的真空低溫乾燥法,反而無法保留檸檬皮的活性成分,而是以熱風乾燥法,保有良好的保存檸檬皮的抗發炎活性成分 (檸檬烯),因此對於檸檬機能性產品開發與應用上,可降低成本50%以上,把檸檬皮廢棄物充分循環再利用,開創台灣農業循環經濟的新模式。 關鍵字: 檸檬、檸檬皮、檸檬加工、檸檬機能性產品、氣相層析質譜儀


Lemon is the fruit with medicine effect. In addition, it contained vitamin C, B1, B2, calcium, phosphate, iron, carbohydrate, isoflavone and many activities of anti-inflammation, anti-cancer, pretty and regulates blood fat and pressure. The lemon peel is good for human health which contained nutrients, essential oils and many biochemistry active components, and the level of D-Limonene are the most. Planting area of lemon is about 1853 hectare, and it occupied over70% production in Taiwan. Lemon is easily over-production between July-October, so it normally extracts juice by crushing process. Although it can release the pressure of over-production, but the peel after extracting is big environmental problem. For example, the speed of fermentation is quickly after extracting, smell badly and damage the equipment. Therefore, the objective of this study is to developing functional product by processing ways, which can solve problem of peel and also increase the economic value of lemon peel. Lemon have many nutrients and medical benefit, and it had been presented that anti-cancer, regulate blood sugar and blood fat by many scientific references. It could be made as medicine, functional food by different processing methods, and bring more economic benefit in industry. In our study, we turn lemon peel to many products such as green detergent, tea beverage, and lemon comfort patch. In addition, our study demonstrates that the most expensive way of vacuum low temperature drying processing can’t keep the active component of lemon peel. But the heating-drying can keep most of Limonene which is with anti-inflammation ability (D-Limonene). In conclusion, our processing way can keep cost more than 50%. And we can keep lemon peel recycle using and create new recycle-economic model of Taiwan lemon industry. Keywords: Lemon, lemon peel, processing of lemon, functional products of lemon, GC-MS.


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