  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of Programmable Logic Controller Combined with Machine Vision and IoT Industrial Platform

指導教授 : 陳金山




物聯網 機器視覺 遠端監控


In 2015, Taiwan promoted Industry 4.0 to combine secondary industries to enhance the country's overall industrial competitiveness. Taiwan 's secondary development industry has also introduced many technologies with the trend of intelligence, example Internet of Things, industrial robot and Artificial Intelligence. However, small factories are semi-automated and they're unable to follow the footsteps of smart factories. This study aims to develop the remote synchronous monitoring system for weight discrimination and arrangement system(WDAS) and connect supervisory control and data acquisition(SCADA). They can combine Machine Vision Color Sensing System to judges defective materials, setting up webcam application to machine vision and remote monitoring system, mini-car robot to be receiving materials. This study simulates semi-automated of small factories, manually unload the material to make the WDAS moving, manually unload defective materials of machine vision to judge, manually control mini-car robot when SCADA finish it's work, manually unload materials that put it on the mini car robot. Simulation semi-automated of small factories condition, additional set the mini car robot as the automatic receiving condition. There will be a time gap between these two sets of data due to the above manual conditions, how to make fast machines to make up time gap between semi-automatic and automation, the Internet of Things will put the collected data one the MVC network for clients or insiders to watch that data. shown to experimental results: simulation semi-automated action time is slower than automatic action by 0.6 seconds, eliminate human factors that the time gap between semi-automated action and automatic action, result to show small factories can catch up with factories.


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