  • 學位論文


To Investigate the Consumer's Intention to Use Mobile Payment based on Technology Acceptance Model and Perceived of Risk

指導教授 : 陳灯能


現今隨著金融及科技日益成熟與發達,消費支付方式越發多元及便捷,人們不需隨身攜帶足夠的金額貨幣也能夠完成交易,網際網路結合行動裝置的普及,使行動支付帶來商機。台灣現代科技發展下,可見人手一機,配備了行動支付所需的工具,但部分的人還是堅持使用實體貨幣執行交易,是否因支付工具存在安全疑慮?科技雖帶來了便利性,但也潛藏未知的交易風險;因此本研究將針對台灣行動支付市場中,探討消費者行動支付使用意圖,利用科技接受模型結合知覺風險構面,探討消費者使用行動支付的影響。 本研究針對消費者行動支付使用意圖,透過『科技接受模式』作為基礎建構研究模式,進行使用者之『行為意圖』分析探討。本研究以網路問卷方式蒐集資料,再運用 SPSS 及Smart PLS 3.0軟體分析本研究所提出之假說及分析變數間之因果關係,研究結果顯示,在科技接受模式、知覺風險及主觀規範的六個構面中,消費者對於行動支付的使用意圖上,的確對於行為意向影響非常顯著。除了消費者的親朋好友會影響其使用意圖,因行動支付類型多元、方便性及便利性高,也是重要的促成條件,使得消費者對於行動支付之使用意圖日益增高。


Nowadays, with the increasing maturity and development of finance and technology, consumer payment methods are becoming more and more diverse and convenient. People do not need to carry enough money to complete transactions. The Internet combined with the popularity of mobile devices brings business opportunities to mobile payment. With the development of modern technology in Taiwan, it can be seen that each person is equipped with the tools required for mobile payment, but some people still insist on using physical currency to perform transactions. Is there any security concern due to payment tools? Although technology brings convenience, it also contains unknown transaction risks. Therefore, this research will focus on Taiwan's mobile payment market, explore the use intention of consumers' mobile payment, and use the technology acceptance model to combine the perceived risk dimension to explore consumer use behavior. payment impact. In this study, aiming at the use intention of consumers' mobile payment, through the "technology acceptance model" as the basic construction research model, the analysis and discussion of the user's "behavioral intention" is carried out. This study collects data by means of an online questionnaire, and then uses SPSS and Smart PLS 3.0 software to analyze the hypothesis proposed in this study and analyze the causal relationship between variables. In the aspect, consumers' intention to use mobile payment does have a significant impact on behavior intention. In addition to the influence of consumers' relatives and friends on their use intentions, the diversity of mobile payment types, convenience and convenience are also important enabling conditions, making consumers' use intentions for mobile payment increasing day by day.


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