  • 學位論文


The Effect of Different Types of Training on the Velocity of High School Baseball Pitchers

指導教授 : 吳柏翰


問題背景:棒球投手球速是一項重要運動表現指標,藉由不同的訓練模式,建立一套適合國內賽制的訓練方式,提升球速運動表現。目的:本研究的目的是為了探討,不同訓練模式下對於台灣高中棒球投手,球速運動表現影響。方法:28位台灣高中投手參加本次研究,受試者學校為單位將受試者其分成三組,分別為複合式肌力訓練組(complex training group) 、投擲訓練組+複合式肌力訓練 (complex+throwing training group) 以及控制組。記錄每位受試者身高、體重。參加為期8週,每週3次訓練計畫。在訓練計劃執行前、後,執行球速運動表現測驗。結果:分析不同組別的訓練型態介入下對於球速運動表現的影響,變異量F值為1.638,表示研究所得的後測球速運動表現結果數據高低,不會因為不同訓練模式介入,而有所差異。以成對樣本t檢定去比較各組,前後測球速運動表現,除了控制組,其它兩組球速運動表現,所測得的數據皆有顯著差異。結論:壹、不同訓練型態介入對本研究之研究結果球速運動表現,無顯著差異的影響。貳、融入肌力訓練模式的訓練型態,對於投球速度的提昇仍有顯著改變。


Background: Baseball pitcher velocity is an important sports performance indicator. Through different training modes, a set of training methods suitable for the domestic competition system is established to improve the performance of velocity. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of different training modes on the performance of velocity for Taiwanese high school baseball pitchers. Methods: Twenty-eight Taiwanese high school pitchers were participated in this study. The subjects were divided into three groups which were named: the complex training group, the throwing training group and the complex strength training group and control group. The height and weight of each subject were recorded. Participate in an 8-week training program, 3 times per week. Before and after the execution of the training program, perform a velocity performance test. Results: Analysis of the influence of different groups of training types on the performance of ball speed sports, the variation F value was 1.638, which did not reach a significant difference, indicating that the results of the velocity performance obtained in the study were not be affected by the intervention of different training modes Paired samples t test was used to compare the performance of the velocity before and after each group. Except for the control group, the other two groups had significant differences in the performance of the velocity. Conclusion: 1. There is no significant difference in the impact of different training types on the performance of velocity in the results of this study. 2. The training type integrated into the muscle strength training mode still has significant changes in the improvement of the pitching velocity.


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