  • 學位論文


Genetic classification and karyotype analysis in Chenopodium formosaum Kodiz. collection lines.

指導教授 : 林資哲 鄭雅銘


臺灣藜(Chenopodium formosaum Kodiz.)為莧科藜屬植物,為臺灣原生特有種,其用途廣泛、營養價值高。藜屬植物依地緣關係可分為喜馬拉雅山榖藜群與歐美榖藜群,其染色體數目可分為 2n=2x=18、2n=4x=36 與2n=6x=54。為瞭解臺灣藜之遺傳特性,首先以細胞遺傳學技術對臺灣藜收集品系之染色體形態特徵進行觀察,並以流式細胞儀確認其倍數體,同時以螢光原位雜合技術進行核型分析;在分子遺傳方面,以臺灣藜與重要藜屬植物之內轉錄間隔區完成臺灣藜種源之遺傳分類。結果顯示,臺灣藜無論係以染色體數目觀察或進行倍數體檢測,皆可證實其屬於六倍體;而自核型分析可得知,其屬於異源多倍體,且以內轉錄間隔區進行親緣關係分析可確認臺灣藜屬於喜馬拉雅山穀藜群。此外,臺灣藜分別具52型與54型之染色體組成,據核型分析之結果可知,52型臺灣藜缺乏54型之第13對染色體。再以非轉錄間隔區進行8個臺灣藜品系間之親緣關係分析,結果顯示臺灣藜之顏色與地緣關係相近者,其親緣關係亦較接近。因此,由本研究之結果可推論:(1)臺灣藜為喜馬拉雅山穀藜群之異源六倍體;(2) 52型臺灣藜缺乏了第13對染色體;(3)臺灣藜品系間之親緣關係與其顏色與地緣關係具關聯性。


Djulis (Chenopodium formosaum Kodiz.) is an endemic species which belongs to Amaranthaceae, Chenopodium, and it shows the high nutritive value and extensive application. According to the geographic relations, Chenopodium can be classified into two groups: America and Himalayas, and shows the chromosome number of 2n=2x=18, 2n=4x=36 and 2n=6x=54. To understand the genetic characteristics of djulis, we used the cytogenetic technology to observe the chromosomal morphology of djulis. Then, the flow cytometry was used for detecting its ploidy level, and the fluorescent in situ hybridization was used for karyotype analysis. On molecular genetics aspect, we tried to clarify the genetic classification of djulis by using the distinctiveness of internal transcribed spacer sequences among the major Chenopodium species. Based on chromosome observation, the djulis belongs to hexaploid and form polyploid detection and karyotype analysis, the result showed that djulis was an allopolyploid. As results of genetic relationships, it could be speculated that djulis belongs to Himalayas. Besides from chromosome 54, djulis also showed the chromosomal compositions 52, and detected it lacked the 13th chromosome pair through karyotype analysis. We detected genetic relationships of collected lines by non-transcribed spacer analysis. According to results in this study, it could be speculated that: (1) Djulis is an allohexaploid which belongs to Himalayas group; (2) the chromosome type 52 of djulis lacked the 13th chromosome pair; (3) the genetic relationships of djulis collected lines were related to their color and geographic.


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