  • 學位論文

遊客行為意圖、體驗行銷對顧客滿意度之研究 — 以台中薰衣草休閒農場為例

A Study on the Behavioral Intention, Experiential Marketing to Satisfaction of Visitors: A Case Study of the Recreational Farm of Lavender Cottage in Tai-Chung City

指導教授 : 林俊男


台灣自1990 年起政府積極輔導發展休閒農業,其中以香草為主題之休閒農場場家遍布全臺,本研究探討香草休閒農場遊客對體驗活動的認知狀況,包括體驗行銷與行為意圖所影響之滿意程度。本研究採薰衣草休閒農場之遊客為樣本,以問卷調查來了解遊客體驗行銷,透過結構方程模型(SEM)進行分析,並使用SPSS 25 套裝軟體進行敘述統計、獨立 t 檢定、ANOVA、相關與路徑分析做資料之分析,最後將本研究結果提供予相關經營者參考。結果可知,遊客會受到休閒農場體驗活動認知影響其參與樂趣之差異;休閒農場的體驗行銷會對顧客滿意度產生影響;休閒農場的體驗行銷會影響其對於休閒農場的評價、是否推薦他人和因為外在因素而影響之的行為;遊客在參與體驗活動後,所產生的評價與行為,會影響其顧客滿意度。建議針對女性的遊客建立市場行銷、增強遊客的體驗行銷進而提高正向的行為意圖。


Taiwan government has played an active role in promoting and guiding development of recreational agriculture since 1990. Among them, the distribution of vanilla-themed recreational farms could be found all over the country. This study discussed the understanding of tourists visiting vanilla-themed recreational farms on experiential activities, consists of experiential marketing, behavioral intentions, and customer satisfaction. The study was based on the questionnaire survey to understand the perception of tourist's experience, and collected tourists from lavender recreational farms in Taiwan as samples. After the collection was completed, it was analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). And SPSS 25 was used for descriptive statistics, independent t-test, ANOVA, correlation and path analysis for data analysis. The final analysis results will be provided to relevant operators for reference. The results showed that tourists will be affected by the difference in their fun to visit due to the cognition of recreational farm experience activities; recreational farm experiential marketing had an impact on customer satisfaction; the experiential marketing of recreational farms would affect their evaluation of recreational farms, whether to recommend others, and their behaviors influenced by external factors; the evaluation and behavior of tourists after participating in the experience activities would affect their customer satisfaction. It is suggested to establish marketing for female tourists, enhance tourists' experiential marketing and improve positive behavioral intentions.


呂登賢、張耀川、曾盛熒,2016,中國風川菜餐廳服務品質與顧客滿意度關係研究-以福客來南北樓為例,中華創新發展期刊,4卷,1期,39-51 。
