  • 學位論文


Plant Growth Enhancement by Field Isolated Three Species of Phosphate-Solubilizing Bacteria under Laboratory Conditions

指導教授 : 徐志宏 卡雷納


磷是影響植物及生長發育的主要營養元素之一。然而對植物而言,該元素卻是最不容被獲得,且溶液流失的營養。為此,許多研究朝著使用溶磷菌作為向淺在的試劑為研究目標,並朝提升磷使用效率的方向研究。玉米 (Zea mays) 在世界上是一種很重要的作物。因此了解本實驗所分離的菌和玉米發芽之間的關係是至關重要且具有必要性的。本文將使用PVK培養基分離自援中港的16種菌株,經溶磷指數選出五株效果最好的菌株進行後續的實驗。本實驗將涵蓋溶磷效果、吲哚-3-乙酸(IAA)及氨氣的產生, 和對植物發芽的幫助。16S rRNA測序結果顯示,5株菌株分別來自3個不同的屬,分別為腸桿菌屬、泛菌屬和克雷伯氏菌屬。所選菌株的磷酸鹽溶解指數(PSI)在1.58至2.19 cm之間,液體培養基中釋放的磷量在含有酵母或不含酵母的PVK培養基存在差異。相比之下不含有酵母提取物的PVK,其在溶液中的溶磷效果在於1.35 到 2.58 毫克/毫升。若接種經連續十次繼代之菌落,並於含有酵母的PVK中測試其溶磷效果,其結果在0.65 to 0.96 mg/ mL-1。分離菌被接種在pH 7.30的NB,且比較於48小時後的結果。在此條件下其氨的產生介於234到263 μg mL-1之間、IAA的產量被評估為1.09和218 mg L-1 之間。疏水性由兩種不同的溶劑所衡量,分離菌在n-Hexdecane的疏水性被評估介於-6% to 21%,而使用Xylenes為媒介的實驗則指出具有4% to 29%的疏水性。對於玉米發芽在根部的延伸上則介於0.45± 0.53到1.27± 0.49公分之間。本文已從不同面向去了解溶磷菌的溶磷機制,結果也指出溶磷機制可能與菌的生長有關係。不過本研究揭露,菌的生長可能和使用提取酵母較無太大的抑制關係。除此之外,本研究還量測了與溶磷菌相關的功能。結果指出這些分離確實可能有幫助植物生長的功能,不過需要做更多關於菌在田間的相關實驗。


Phosphorous (P) is one of major nutrients, which affects the development and growth of plants. However, it is one of the least mobile and readily available for plant absorption. Therefore, to solve this issue, phosphate solubilizing bacteria have been used and tested as potential agent in the bio-fertilizer by previous researches. Corn (Zea mays) is one of the important crops around the world. Therefore, comprehending the relationship in between the isolation and corn’s germination is crucial and necessary in this experiment. In this study, a total 16 isolation were isolated by the PVK medium from Yuan-Jhong Harbor Important Wetland, which amended with tri-calcium and 5 strains with the halo were selected for their solubilizing index, viability of solubilizing tri-Calcium phosphate with yeast and without the yeast, production of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), organic acid analysis, and also calculated the enhancement of plant germination. The result of the 16S rRNA sequencing was shown that 5 isolations were recognized into 3 genera such as Enterobacter, Pantoea, and Klebsiella family. The phosphate solubilizing index (PSI) of selected isolation was in between 1.37 to 2.62 cm, and amount of released phosphorus in the liquid medium were quite different between the PVK broth with yeast’s or without yeast. The range of released phosphorus in extract yeast absence is between the 1.35 to 2.58 mg/ mL-1. The contained yeast extract determined the growth and phosphate solubilizing rate. The range of released phosphorus in extract yeast presence is between the 1.7 to 2.8 mg/ mL-1. The range of phosphorous mobilizing by inoculated the ten times successive subcultures is in between the 0.65 to 0.96 mg/ mL-1, which is evaluated by PVK amended with yeast extract. The amount of ammonia production is estimated in NB and it is ranged in 234 to 263 μg mL-1 at 48 hours under pH 7.30. The amount of IAA is evaluated in NB and it is ranged in 1.09 to 218 mg L-1 at 48 hours under pH 7.30. The hydrophobicity is in between the -6% to 21% by using the n-hexdecane and 4% to 29% of hydrophobicity is reported by using the xylenes. The enhancement of the corn germination is in between 0.45± 0.53 to 1.27± 0.49 cm in their root elongation. This research has research on different aspects for comprehending their phosphate solubilizing mechanisms, growth of the isolation, associated abilities. The results indicated that phosphate solubilizing might associate with their growth and it was highlighted that yeast extract might not be the major factor to inhibit the expanding population of the isolations. Besides the growth, the associated functions of PSBs were evaluated and the result revealed that the isolations might require the abilities to enhance the plant’s growth. However, the further studies in the field are still needed to research.


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