  • 學位論文


The impact of anthropogenic food on reproduction, activity budgets and habitat use of Macaca cyclopis in Linnei

指導教授 : 蘇秀慧


人猴棲地重疊及資源競爭日益提高,而人類食物可能會對獼猴造成各方面的影響。本研究透過行為觀察與收集活動及生殖資料檢視雲林縣林內地區取食人類食物猴群(HF)、取食農作物猴群(CF)及取食天然食物猴群(NF) 之生殖、活動模式及空間利用。研究自2019年4月始,於林內地區針對6個猴群進行全天追蹤觀察,以掃瞄取樣法觀察猴群的行為及記錄猴群進食人類食物的情況;利用GPS記錄猴群所在位置;在4至8月期間,每7至14天記錄1次群中母猴的生殖情況,共收集了3年獼猴生殖資料。研究結果顯示,HF猴群取食人類食物比例佔九成以上,因而生殖、行為及活動範圍皆與其他猴群有所差異。在生殖模式方面,HF猴群的平均生殖間隔比其他猴群短,連續兩年生殖的母猴比例較高,此外,2019至2021年NF猴群的生殖率有高-低-高的變化,而CF和HF猴群的生殖率年間變化上不大。在活動模式方面,HF猴群進行靜態行為(包括休息、理毛)所佔時間比例較高,移動的時間比例遠低於NF及CF猴群,NF猴群比CF猴群花較多時間在移動和取食。在比較活動範圍大小,NF猴群的全年活動範圍最大約64公頃,HF猴群的則最小為3.5公頃。本研究樣區中,取食人類食物的猴群的生殖模式、活動模式及活動範圍皆有所改變,因此,禁止餵食野生動物及有效防治獼猴取食農作物,應可降低人猴交會處獼猴族群受到人類食物之衝擊。


Habitat overlap and competition over resources may increase the conflict between humans and Taiwanese macaques (Macaca cyclopis) in Taiwan. Anthropogenic food may also have various impacts on macaques. This study examined the reproduction, activity budgets and habitat use in Linnei of Yunlin County. I conducted a comparative study on 3 groups of macaques, one troop of provisioned macaques (HF), one troop of crop-feeding macaques (CF) and 4 troops of nature-feeding macaques (NF). From April 2019 to September 2021, I recorded the diet and behavior data by scan sampling and collected GPS data on the home range of 6 troops of macaques. From April and August, the reproductive status of all female macaques was recorded every 7 to 14 days. According to the result of feeding ratio, HF group fed over 90% of human food. Therefore, the reproduction, activity budgets and home range size do have different to other groups. First, the study suggested the average interbirth interval of the HF group was shorter than that of other groups, and the proportion of female macaques from HF group which reproduced for two consecutive years was higher. In addition, the birth rates of NF groups have a ‘high - low -high’ pattern from 2019 to 2021. However, the birth rates of CF and HF group were almost constant. Secondly, the results showed that the proportion of grooming and resting time in HF group was significantly longer than that of other groups, and the proportion of time spent on moving is much lower than that other groups. NF groups spend more time on moving and feeding than CF group. Thirdly, comparing the size of the home range, the largest annual home range of the NF4 troop is about 64 hectares, and the smallest of the HF group is 3.5 hectares. The reproduction, activity patterns, and ranging patterns of HF group was altered because of human food. Therefore, this study is important to understand these differences for developing the macaque’s conservation and management plans. Provisioning wild animals is strictly prohibited and prevention of crop-raiding strategy by popular education.


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