  • 學位論文


Motivation for Volunteering in LGBT Nonprofit Organization-Analysis with Ecological Systems Theory

指導教授 : 王仕圖


臺灣同志運動發展自90年代以來,至今已逾30年,因為各路社運人士及民間組織的努力,加上政府近年越發重視同志權益,大力推動相關政策。2018年的公投法案第10、11、12案皆與婚姻平權及性平教育有關,性別倡議組織、同志倡議組織以及大量義工進行許多倡議活動來與社會大眾對話,引起公民社會極大的討論,可謂是同志運動30多年下來公民參與度與討論度最高的一個時期。 本文主旨意在了解同志非營利組織對於同志族群的意義,以及義工參與同志志願服務的動機和參與後的影響,並以生態系統理論的四個系統進行分析。研究發現,對於同志族群而言,同志機構提供了社交環境以及休憩的空間,義工與工作人員建立夥伴關係,為彼此提供社會支持,並推動同志運動和監督同志相關政策。在生態系統觀點下,義工參與同志志願服務的動機與影響因素如下:(1)微視系統:學校系統、性別認同、社交環境 (2)中介系統:同志機構 (3)外部系統:傳播媒體 (4)鉅視系統:社會文化、社會政策。參與義工服務後的影響:(1)微視系統:性別知識養成、提升心理健康、使命感、強化自我認同與價值感、正向影響家庭關係與親密關係、以同志視角與學校環境互動 (2)中介系統:提高對親戚與社區鄰里的包容度 (3)外部系統:媒體識讀能力提升、同理機構義工的期待與需求、同類型機構間的資源聯繫、提升職場性別友善氛圍 (4)鉅視系統:社會文化與政策敏感度提升。


志願服務 動機 生態系統 同志


It has been more than 30 years since the development of the gay movement in Taiwan since the 1990s. Due to the efforts of various social activists and non-governmental organizations, and the government has paid more attention to the rights and interests of LGBTQ and vigorously promoted relevant policies in recent years. In 2018, there are three cases of referendum related to marriage equality and gender equality education. Gender advocacy group, LGBTQ advocacy group and volunteers conduct many advocacy activities to engage in dialogue with the general public, aroused great debate in civil society. It can be regard as the highest degree of citizen participation and discussion in the LGBTQ movement for more than 30 years. The purpose of this study is to explore the significance of LGBTQ non-profit organizations to the gay community, and volunteers’ motivations and post-participation effects in gay volunteering, analyze with the four systems of ecosystem theory. The study found that for LGBTQ, gay non-profit organizations provide a social environment as well as a space to relax, volunteers and staff form partnerships to provide each other with social support, and promoting the gay movement and monitoring gay-related policies. From an ecosystem perspective, the motivations and influencing factors of volunteers participating in gay voluntary services are as follows:(1) microsystem: school system, gender identity, and social environment (2) mesosystem: gay non-profit organization (3) exosystem: media (4) macrosystem: social culture, social policy. The impact of participating in volunteer services: (1) microsystem: cultivate gender knowledge, improve mental health and sense of mission, strengthen self-identity and sense of value, positively affect family relationships and intimate relationships, interact with the school environment from a gay perspective (2) mesosystem: increase tolerance for relatives and neighbors in the community (3) exosystem: improvement of media literacy skills, expectations and needs of volunteers in empathetic organizations, resource connections among organizations of the same type, and enhancement of a gender-friendly atmosphere in the workplace (4) macrosystem: enhanced social culture and policy sensitivity.


Volunteering Motivation Ecological Systems LGBTQ


王豫萱、胡昌亞(2013)。再探組織認同之本質:2002 ~ 2012 之研究回顧與前瞻。人力資源管理學報,13(4),107-137。
