  • 學位論文


The effects of knowledge sharing behavior on website loyalty and purchasing loyalty: 3C virtual community as an example.

指導教授 : 蔡子安


隨著科技的日新月異,帶動相當多的3C消費型電子產品的問世,也隨著價格的平價化,這些消費型電子產品日漸普及,也漸漸的成為大家日常生活中不可缺少的必需品。消費者在眾多的3C產品中該如何做選擇呢?即是需要對於3C產品了解的達人或有經驗的分享者來進行知識分享,而3C虛擬社群就是這些3C達人進行知識分享的平台,而社群成員間的知識分享互動即是社群能不斷成長的主要因素。 本研究主要目的主要是探討互惠規範、信任、自我效能、相對優勢、相容性、知識分享行為、上站忠誠度與購買忠誠度之影響關係,比較兩家3C虛擬社群對各研究變項的差異,以Mobile 01與ePrice為例進行研究,共發放301份問卷,所採用的分析方法為,敘述性統計分析、信效度分析、結構方程模式及t檢定分析。研究結果發現:(1)互惠規範對知識分享行為沒有顯著影響。(2)信任對知識分享行為有顯著正向影響。(3)自我效能對知識分享行為有顯著正向影響。(4)相對優勢對知識分享行為沒有顯著影響。(5)相容性對知識分享行為沒有顯著影響。(6)知識分享行為對上站忠誠度有顯著正向影響。(7)知識分享行為對購買忠誠度有顯著正向影響。


Technology change fast in now days. Quite a few of consumable 3C products have come to this world, their price are also become gradually cheaper as they have become the common products in our daily life. So, how do consumer making their choices among this “common 3C products”? That is! We need someone we are familiar or experienced to give us advice. And the 3c virtual community gives those people platform to share their knowledge. However, Knowledge sharing interaction among with the virtual community members is the key point of the virtual community. The objective of this study is to investigate the influence of “Norm of Reciprocity”, “Trust”, “Self-Efficacy”, “Perceived Relative Advantage”, “Perceived Compatibility”, “Knowledge Sharing Behavior”, “Website Loyalty”, and “Purchasing Loyalty”, also to find out the difference of 3C virtual community on each variable. This study is an empirical study using 3C virtual community as an example, sending out 301 questionnaires in total. Our study analyze method includes descriptive statistics analysis, reliability and validity analysis, structure equation model and t test. The findings are summarized as follows: (1) Norm of Reciprocity does not positively affect Knowledge Sharing Behavior. (2) Trust positively affects Knowledge Sharing Behavior. (3) Self-Efficacy positively affects Knowledge Sharing Behavior. (4) Perceived Relative Advantage does not positively affect Knowledge Sharing Behavior. (5) Perceived Compatibility does not positively affect Knowledge Sharing Behavior. (6) Knowledge Sharing Behavior positively affects Website Loyalty. (7) Knowledge Sharing Behavior positively affects Purchasing Loyalty.


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