  • 學位論文


A Study of Exploring the Development, Promotion and Innovation of Taiwan's Tea Industry by Taiwan's Tea Culture

指導教授 : 張詠盛
共同指導教授 : 謝俊宏


本研究的宗旨,在瞭解台灣茶道文化,在台灣茶產業的發展及創新的現況下,做深入的探討,論文撰寫初期,引用陸羽《茶經》一書,反覆研讀著手,並經由多位茶師的解讀展演,研究者才領悟到「茶道」的內涵。並參與茶會的體驗和實作,深感茶湯的香氣,茶師精神涵養,不因時空歲月轉變而飄散,茶道文化所表現的人文藝術精神內涵便應隨時代的進步,更上層樓,再展風華。 本研究除了文獻探討外,採質性深度訪談方法,輔以文件分析等策略來蒐集資料,綜合文獻分析及歸納研究結果,本研究之結論為: 一.從茶的文化和起源,在眾說紛紜下,從中國南方茶樹原產地敘述起,經過千年的演變,和茶文化的發展脈絡,形成了「茶道」,點出了茶道是中華文化重要的象徵,更具有文化傳承與藝術文明的發展,結合了哲學,倫理,歷史,文化,藝術為一體,以茶為媒介的修身養性之道。 二.台灣茶產業,從日治至國民政府遷台,到現今,在歷史與文化和當地茶農改良推廣的因素下,形成多元繽紛的台灣茶文化。在流行風潮運動下,茶藝館的林立,傳統和現代藝術的結合,形成豐富的茶藝飲食文化,將茶道文化,更親民的傳播,吸引更多人接近茶文化。 三.茶產業在政府的政策下,持續推動創新,希望開創茶產業的競爭優勢,在國際上,有展露頭角的機會。茶葉產地的證明,透過認證。創造商機,提高台灣茶在世界的知名度。茶園的創新轉型,觀光生態茶園,結合了旅遊與教育,發揚茶文化,延伸茶葉產業鏈,以茶文化帶動餐飲,以茶文化帶動旅遊,以茶文化的茶禮展演帶動人文精神。提昇全民美育蘊義,並促進經濟文化的發展。 四.茶文化產業,透過文化行銷媒體和軟硬體的結合與民間團體,社團協會,實踐的行動力,為台灣茶道發展及推廣注入新的生活風格,透過文化出版品,茶文化展演,泡茶師聯會,及各節氣,主題式的茶席展演,茶學研討等,使參與者體現品味,增進美感教育,創造美學氛圍,提昇茗飲生活品質,促使台灣茶產業的振興使台灣茶產業得以永續經營。 歸結台灣茶道,對台灣茶產業的推廣與發展對茶產業創新足以呈現其價值且得以永續發展。最後,本研究對台灣茶道,各級學校,民間團體,社團協會,政府單位等,未來研究方向,提供具體的建議,以供參酌。


茶道 茶文化 創新 推廣


The study aimed to explore and facilitate the understanding of Taiwan’s tea culture based on the current development and innovation of Taiwan’s tea industry. At the early stage of the study, the researcher delved into The Classic of Tea by Lu Yu. However, it was not until the rendition and demonstration of several tea masters that the researcher came to appreciate the insightful tea culture. Having participated in tea ceremonies, the researcher was enriched by the fragrance of tea as well as the spirit of the tea masters, which do not dissipate over time or space. It’s time for the humanity and art represented by the tea culture to advance with time and restore glory. In addition to literature review, qualitative interviews and data analysis were used for insightful collection of information. Based on literature analysis and inductive findings, the study has concluded that: 1. Opinions vary on the culture and origin of tea. The tea culture can be traced back to the birth place of tea trees in the southern China. After thousands of years of evolution, the contextual development has formed the tea culture, which serves as an essential symbol of Chinese culture. The tea culture is also a development of cultural heritage and artistic civilization, combined with philosophy, ethics,history, culture, and art. It is a way to cultivate one’s moral character with tea as the medium. 2. From the Japanese Ruling Period, to the Nationalist Government in Taiwan, to today, the tea industry in Taiwan has bloomed into the tea culture of diversities thanks to historical and cultural factors, as well as local tea farmers’ effort on the improvement and promotion of tea. As more and more tea houses that combine tradition with modern art mushroom across the country, a rich tea and food culture has been formed, and transmitted through popularity, drawing more people in for a taste of the tea culture. 3. Under the government policy, continuous promotion and innovation have taken place to give the tea industry a competitive edge so that it can shine at the international stage. With the certificate of origin for export of tea, not only business opportunities but also the visibility of Taiwanese tea is increased Combined with travel and education, tea plantations have been creatively transformed into ecotourism tea parks, where tea culture is fostered and the tea industry chain is extended. The food and beverage as well as travel industries have been elevated by the tea culture.The presentation of tea ceremonies also advances humanism. The tea culture has nurtured public aesthetics, and stimulated economic and cultural development. 4. The tea industry has infused Taiwan’s tea culture with a new lifestyle through promotion and development by culture marketing media, an integration of software and hardware, and by actual practice of civil sectors and clubs.Participants can experience a taste of enriched aesthetic ambience, improving their tea-drinking and living quality via cultural publications, presentations of tea culture, tea masters associations, seasonal or themed performances at tea ceremonies, and seminars on tea studies. Such vibrancy revitalizes Taiwan’s tea industry, and makes it possible for the industry to secure sustainable development.To conclude, Taiwan’s tea culture has played an invaluable role in the promotion, development and innovation of Taiwan’s tea industry. In turn, Taiwan’s tea culture can also be sustainably developed. At the end of the study, practical suggestions have been offered for Taiwan’s tea culture, schools, civil sectors, clubs, associations, and government organizations.


tea ceremony tea culture innovation promotion


卡爾.林奈(1753)。植物種志。瑞典:Laurentius Salvius。
