  • 學位論文


The Omni-bearing Community Safety Protection

指導教授 : 林春宏


本論文主要以社區安全的精神建置一個全方位安全防護系統,提供社區老弱婦孺的隨行看護、訪客的貼心指引與貼身監控、自然災害的火災偵測以及外來危險入侵偵測與智慧型巡邏。解決現行台灣公寓大廈等社區環境只使用監視系統與保全系統而無法全面的保障居民與訪客安全。 隨行看護是透過RFID感應與定位技術,可以針對小孩或老人的貼身監控,並提供線上與行動載具讓居民更方便觀看小孩或老人動態,並保護其不任意進入危險地區,有效降低社區內弱勢族群在社區內發生危險。訪客貼身看護與貼身指引是由RFID定位技術監控訪客進入社區後的活動情況,若訪客在社區迷路或離開原拜訪居民而逗留在社區之情況發生時,系統可以即時發出引導訊息提供訪客正確到達居民家中及線上影像提供社區保全了解訪客在社區內活動情況或是否有其他不法的意圖。 在社區中經常發生火災等天然災害與小偷入侵事件,本文採用由監視系統即時影像進行火災與皮膚分析,以判斷事件發生時即時通知社區保全進行第一時間的反應,預防災害與社區危安事件的發生。 智慧型巡邏主要是提供給社區保全自動化的巡邏機制,由系統產生順線、逆線、定時、不定時等交互巡邏方式,減少保全在巡邏的盲點並達到出其不意的效果。讓小偷或不明人士無法掌握社區的安全措施,讓社區安全防護可以滴水不漏。 本論文所實作出的系統可以很容易的在社區內被建置,提供社區較經濟實惠的可能性。此外針對社區常用的保全設備通常只具備監視系統、動態偵測、人工巡邏,較輕易產生安全上的漏洞。本文提出一個較佳並完整解決的方法,對於社區的安全也能提供進一步的防護功能。


The purpose of this research is to construct a comprehensive security system to enhance community safe. The system shall offer accompanying care for the elderly and infirm in the community; friendly guides and personal surveillance for visitors; fire hazard and foreign intrusion detection and intelligent patrol. The system has been specifically designed to overcome the shortcomings of existing surveillance and security systems deployed in community environments such as apartment buildings that are not capable of offering adequate security and protection to residents and visitors. Accompany care is a form of personal surveillance intended for children or the elderly through the application of RFID sensing and positioning technology. It is complemented with online real-time image feeds and mobile devices so that users are able to keep an eye on the movements of children or elderly under surveillance and prevent them from entering potentially dangerous areas. This will effectively reduce the occurrence of accidents for the disadvantaged residents in the community. Accompanying care and guide for visitors make use of RFID positioning technology to monitor visitors’ activities after they have entered the community. If a visitor loses his direction in the community or idles in the community after visiting a specific resident, the system will be able to issue real-time messages to help guide the visitor to the residence he wishes to visit. In addition, an online video feed allows community security to monitor the visitor’s activities in the community, including any possibly suspicious activity. In light of the frequency of incidents such as fire hazards and theft in communities, the system featured in this study is equipped with a surveillance system to capture real time images for fire and skin analysis so that the system may respond immediately by notifying community security in the event of such incidents and effectively prevent hazards and incidents that threaten community safety. Intelligent patrol is a fully-automated patrol system provided to augment existing community security services where the system generates different patrol formats (on-route, reverse route, fixed time and irregular patrols) to eliminate blind spots that security personnel might have missed on their patrol. The combination of different patrol routes will make it difficult for perpetrators to predict the community’s security measures, thereby ensuring highly effective community security. The system proposed in this paper can be easily deployed at communities as an affordable and economic solution. Considering the fact that conventional security measures in communities usually involve a surveillance system, motion detection and manual patrols, such a combination are more susceptible to security loopholes. In this research, we have proposed a better solution that offers comprehensive security protection that further strengthens community safety.


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