  • 學位論文


A study on accredited organizations’ satisfaction and effect on certification program of cultural and creative products in Miaoli County

指導教授 : 黃雅卿


近年來苗栗縣文創產業蓬勃發展,紮實的工藝技術基礎與文化發展軌跡,極具在地文化獨特性,內涵豐富。苗栗縣政府特別從民國2010年起開全國縣市先例首推文創商品認證計畫,行銷苗栗文化創意產業與商品,提升品牌知名度與銷售,協助產業轉型、扶植地方文創產業發展,進而帶動更多業者認同且投入帶動本地產業發展,至2015年為止,六年來已累計高達195件認證商品且年度重點宣傳文創商品數達61件。但認證機制、過程與成效仍有部分隱憂與未臻完善之處,本研究期盼透過文獻探討、田野調查、問卷調查與訪談等研究方法整理、分析與歸納苗栗文創商品認證計畫之概念發想緣起、發展脈絡、歷年執行情形及成效、衍生加值行銷策略與地域品牌形塑的願景,並透過認證計畫滿意度與認證計畫後影響二面向深入瞭解業者的看法與意見,期能提供相關單位未來文創商品認證計畫執行方向與內容之修正與調整參考,讓苗栗文創商品認證計畫更臻完善,帶動區域良性競爭,進而行銷苗栗文化創意產業服務與商品。 本研究目的如下: (一)透過文獻探討苗栗文創商品認證計畫歷史脈絡與沿革。(二)分析苗栗文創商品認證逐年執行情形與現況。(三)探討苗栗文創商品認證後加值行銷策略、活動方案與配套措施。(四)探討認證業者對苗栗文創商品認證計畫之看法與建議。(五)探討認證業者獲苗栗文創商品認證計畫後之影響。(六)綜合分析苗栗文創商品認證計畫遭遇之問題與可改善之處。 本研究結論如下: (一)苗栗縣政府確實洞燭機先,掌握契機全國首創推動文創商品認證,各縣市紛紛跟進,但認證機制繁多,競爭激烈,應致力品牌塑造與區隔,再創亮點。(二)獲認  證業者對苗栗文創商品認證計畫各面向大多持滿意意見,正向肯定相關單位多年努力,成效亦有目共睹。(三)認證制度越趨完善穩定,瑕不掩瑜,但仍應體察脈動適時調整,加強產官學交流,激盪火花推陳出新,再創高峰。(四)苗栗文創商品認證知名度與形象品牌創新升級刻不容緩,應積極塑造品牌深度與魅力,跨越產業別城市符碼具體呈現苗栗城市品牌創新意象。(五)業者高度重視績效利潤,承辦單位可加強行銷策略與虛實通路平台擴展,創造有感商機,共創雙贏。(六)縣府對於人才培育、營運輔導、品牌通路、整合行銷與認證後追蹤輔導等項目推動,應同時並行,相輔相乘,相得益彰。(七)企業心態應調整開放,觀摩學習,社群交流力量,資源共享,共榮共好,榮景可期。


The cultrual and creative industries in Miaoli have been prospering in recent years. Miaoli government has initiated certificated program on cultural and creative products to promote more local brands and enterprises since 2010. The growing industries in Miaoli now identify with this certificated program as well as devote themselves to developing local business. By the end of 2015, there had been up to 195 certificated products for 6 years, 61 of which were mainly promoted to the public by Miaoli government. However, there are still some concerns and shortcomings of certificated program, process and effects. By employing literature review, field research, questionnaire and interview, this study was designed to arrange, analyze and conclude the origin, implementation and effect of Miaoli’s certificated program on cultural and creative products. With the satisfaction and feedback given by accredited organizations, the study aimed to perfect Miaoli’s certificated program and further promote cultural and creative industries in Miaoli. The purpose of this study was to investigate the result and effect oh implementing certificated program applied to cultural and creative products in Miaoli. In addition, the o[inions and suggestions given by accredited organizations are significant to improve Miaoli’s certificated program.  To sum up, Miaoli government has indeed set up a leading certificated program of cultural and creative products. Most enterprises give a positive and supportive feedback on this program. However, with increasing competition from other certificated programs created by any other cities in Taiwan, both Miaoli government and Miaoli’s enterprises should more actively promote Miaoli’s certificated program and build unique brand image by employing intergrated marketing strategy, channels of distribution and related supporting measures.


行政院經建設會(2008)。挑戰2008:國家發展重點計畫 文化創意產業發展計畫。
