  • 學位論文


Analysis of the development and situation of Japanese Plant Factory:The Implication for Taiwan

指導教授 : 黎立仁


植物工廠是將傳統露天耕種改為室內栽培的農業生產。透過溫度、濕度、光照時間,以及二氧化碳濃度、水分、養分、氣流等高度的環境控制,來規劃進行年度的作物生產計劃。透過高度的環境調控,使農作物的生產不受氣候因素的干擾,全年度皆可生產出定時定量均一品質的農產品。同時又可節省土地面積,地點也不受侷限。故近年來植物工廠的發展快速,日本政府與民間企業、學術單位更攜手合作,亦即產官學聯手打造最先進的植物工廠,以及建構最佳的商業合作模式。 一般的農耕法,伴隨其生產活動所施用的農藥、化學肥料等所造成空氣汙染、土質、水質汙染,對於環境已造成相當程度的負荷。藉由發展植物工廠本身具有節省能源、資源循環使用、減少廢棄物產出等特色之生產模式,以保護環境,並落實循環型経済社会之理念,使農業得以永續發展。   本論文透過台日相關的農業政策比較與產業發展現況來考察關於植物工廠的發展性。並以日本植物工廠相關領域具代表性的企業為案例,對其經營策略進行分析。一方面,探討日本產官學之合作模式,最後歸納日本政府對植物工廠的農業政策、植物工廠的環保機制及日本企業之經營策略,對台灣政府與企業所帶來的啟示。


Plant factory is a way of agriculture production which transforms the traditional open-air farming into indoor cultivation. Plant factory enables people plan for crop production program for the year. It has highly accurate environmental control of temperature, humidity, illumination time as well as the concentration of carbon dioxide, water, nutrients, and air, etc. The accurate environmental control prevents the crop production from being interfered by climate factors and ensures the yearly crop production has regular quantity and uniform quality. Simultaneously it saves land areas and not confines to locations, hence the development of plant factory is getting rapider. Japanese government partners with private enterprises and academic institutions to build the most advanced plant factory and to construct the best business cooperation mode. This paper examined the development of plant factory with the comparison of Taiwan’s and Japan’s related agricultural policies, and current industry status, along with analyzing the examples of Japanese representative enterprises which are related to plant factory. On the other hand, this paper is to discuss the cooperative mode of Japanese private enterprises, government and academics. At the end of the paper is to summarize the implications which Japanese government’s agricultural policies of plant factory, environmental protection mechanisms of plant factory and the business strategy of Japanese companies brought for Taiwan.


陳世銘・方煒・羅筱鳳・曹幸之・張耀乾・廖國基・顏炳郎・蔡兆胤(2011)〈台灣植物工廠現況與發展策略之分析〉《農業機械學刊》,第20卷第 4 期 pp.95-106
