  • 學位論文


The Relationship among Independent Tourist Knowledge and Skills, Perceived Value and Revisit Intention

指導教授 : 顏昌華


自助旅行近幾年已經成為全球觀光產業熱門發展的產業之一,而自助旅行的旅遊方式越來越被國人所接受,成為國人前往國內外旅行的主流,自助旅行不同於傳統團體旅遊,需要較多的知識與技能應付旅行中的不便,可見知識與技能在自助旅行上扮演了重要的關鍵因素,在過去的文獻中尚無對知覺價值與重遊意願等因果關係作相關研究。本研究目的是探討自助旅行知識與技能、知覺價值與重遊意願之關係,並了解自助旅行知識與技能與重遊意願之間是否會受到知覺價值中介效果影響。 本研究抽樣母體為已有國外自助旅行之經驗者,透過自助旅行討論區及網路社群進行網路問卷調查。總共回收286份,扣除誤填或勾選不合理之無效問卷12份,有效問卷為274份。本研究實證結果發現自助旅行知識及技能與知覺價值之間具有顯著正向相關;知覺價值與重遊意願之間具有顯著正向相關;自助旅行知識及技能與重遊意願之間亦具有顯著正向相關。此外,自助旅行知識及技能與重遊意願之間存在知覺價值中介變數的影響。根據本研究結果,建議政府觀光有關單位及旅遊業者發展更寬廣的自助旅遊觀光商機,利用旅遊目的地優勢,上下資源整合與溝通,使旅行者產生旅遊決策前、後深具價值的旅遊感受,進而提升重遊意願,為觀光業者與自助旅行者創造雙贏的局面。


Nowadays, independent tourist has become the most popular target of global tourism industry. Independent tourist is more acceptable in Taiwan that builds a main stream to tourism. However, independent tourist needs a lot of knowledge and skills to resolve difficulty during travelling which is different with group tourist. Therefore, knowledge and skills is a vital key for independent tourist. Yet the past research of perceived value and revisit intention was very handful, hence, the purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship among independent tourist knowledge and skills, perceived value and revisit intention. This study examine the mediating effects of perceived value between independent tourist knowledge and skills with revisit intention. Sample of this study was collected from internet websites or blogs to whom had experiences on independent tourist. The questionnaires return 286 and deduct 12 invalid, then 274 valid are analyzed. Results indicate independent tourist knowledge and skills and perceived value are positively related, perceived value and revisit intention are positively related and independent tourist knowledge and skills and revisit intention are positively related. Additionally, perceived value has mediating effects between independent tourist knowledge and skills and revisit intention. This study suggests tourism organizations of government and tourism industry should develop more activities. Taking tourism destination as one advantage for integrating resources and communications, so that independent tourists can feel satisfied before/after trip, their revisit intention will be also higher. This may create a both win dimension on government and independent tourist.


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