  • 學位論文


The Research on the Culture, Originality and Design of the Taiwan Matsu amulets

指導教授 : 卓聖格


近年來,在政府大力推動下,文化創意產業已成為當今潮流下的一門顯學,各個發展無不緊扣文化創意所帶來的活力,其中宗教文化是臺灣極具特色且具生命力,值得發展的一塊。宗教文化中,又以媽祖信仰最為重要,不僅歷史悠久,大小媽祖廟遍及全臺各地,信徒人數亦居全臺之冠,每年的媽祖遶境活動吸引數十百萬人熱情參與,帶動龐大的文化創意商機。其中,媽祖平安符不僅在媽祖信仰中扮演極重要的角色,也是宗教文化創意設計產業中最值得開發與深具潛力的一塊,值得深入研究。 本研究以歷史研究法與田野調查法,廣泛收集傳統媽祖平安符與相關的文創商品進行深入研究,研究發現:臺灣媽祖平安符,在傳統外觀設計上喜好將神明肖像、宮廟名、地方名、祈福吉祥語等直接明顯的示於外觀,在各種造型的媽祖平安符當中,以塑膠五角造型包裝之平安符最廣泛也最為常見,近來又出現拉長的五角形為參考御守平安符,另加上透明塑膠套、串上精緻的中國結、流蘇等裝飾,使原本簡單的平安符逐漸呈現繁複而精緻的設計,且深具臺灣自己的特色。且媽祖平安符已從單一保安康功能轉變成為各種使用功能不同之平安符。結合平安符設計要素,也成功的設計開發成各種文創商品,廣泛的應用在臺灣人的生活中。隨著科技進步,媽祖平安符也能跟得上時代變動e化、數位化及行動化等。證明傳統文化也能支撐新創意、新科技,並創造無限的商機。


Recently, under the push of government policy, cultural and creative industry have become a mainstream study, Every walk of development have close links to it, because it brings vitality. Within which, the religious culture in Taiwan is the most characteristic and full of vitality. Especially Matsu plays an important role, not only for its long history, but also the prevalence of its temples and the utmost of its disciples. The annual activity of Matsu holy pilgrimage attracts hundreds of thousands of people to participate in, and it brings huge business opportunities. In the field of culture and creative industry, the Matsu amulet plays a vital role. It has large business potential and worth our careful and thorough study. We broadly collect traditional Matsu amulets and the related cultural and creative products to conduct our research .We adopt the method of historical research and field research. The main finding is that the design of Taiwan Matsu amulets is usually made use of the profile of gods, the name of temples, the location name and some wishes in appearance. Among various Matsu amulets, the pentagon shape is the most common. Recently, there are extended pentagon amulets wrapped in plastic covers, decorated with Chinese knots or tassels. The progress not only transfers the amulets from plain to delicate, but also creates the characteristic of Taiwan .In addition, combined with the elements of design, the amulets evolve into various cultural and creative products, and thus broaden the application in the life of Taiwanese people. All in all, the Matsu amulets catch up with the advancement of modern technology, which proves that the traditional culture could support new ideas and technology, and create infinite business opportunities.


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